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Harry's POV:

After the girls trashed the car, they made there way inside, exhausted. I could tell they were both emotional, and I needed to give them some time to be together, so I kept my distance.

I stayed in the kitchen as they sat on the couch, making conversation, but I was too far away to listen. It didn't seem like it was anything to worry about, so I didn't really bother trying to pick up anything they were saying.

They had turned on the television, watching some light hearted chick flick I had never heard of as they sipped on glasses of wine.

I also decided to pour myself a drink, helping myself to the aged bourbon Felicity's father had stashed away in the liquor cabinet. It wasn't my usual drink of choice, but it worked.

It didn't take them long to fall asleep right where they were sitting. I expected it.

I picked Cali up from the couch, taking her into the bedroom, trying my best not to wake her. I wanted to help her be comfortable, but I didn't bother trying to change he clothes. Again, I didn't want to wake her up.

After I got her tucked in, I headed back to the living room. I turned off the tv, along with most of the lights, before throwing a blanket over Felicity on the couch.

They both looked worn out.

I stepped outside, lighting a cigarette, before pulling my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through my contacts, before landing on Zayn, pressing his name once I saw it. I put my phone up to my ear as it rang.


He answered quickly.


"Where'd you two go? We looked up and you were gone."

"I meant to call. Cali was just too overwhelmed with everything. We had to leave."

"Is she alright?"

"Yeah- she's asleep now."


"Did you get a chance to go around to the storage unit?"

"Yup. Not much to find really. Just a bunch of shit."

"Are you sure you looked through it all."

"Yes. It was all garbage."

"You didn't get rid of anything right?"

"Nope, we put it all back where we found it."


"Is she really okay?"

"She's coping. It's a process you know. She'll be fine. You guys showing up really meant a lot to her."

"She's like family now. It's what we do."

"Okay. Keep Cyrus at bay. I know he's pissed."

"He'll get over it."

"I've got to go. Just keep in touch."


I hung up the phone feeling strange. That word.


I remembered having a family when I was younger, if you could really call it that. We were quite wealthy, but with that came my mother and father working a lot.

We had nice things and a big house, but we still had to fend for ourselves. A lot of the time we were home alone while our parents were on some business trip.

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