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⚠︎𝕍𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕠⚠︎

A week later

I'm looking straight ahead waiting for my beautiful Menna to walk down the isle. The music begins playing and the door's open revealing Menna and Mt mother. She asked my mom to walk her down the isle and of course she agreed.
They get to me and my mother gives me Menna's hand. I help her up the 3 steps and she looks stunning I love the dress. The priest says Dearly beloved, we gather here today to celebrate Vince and Mennaleia as they come together to unite in holy matrimony. The Groom and Bride would like to extend their thanks to all of you, for your presence which makes this ceremony even more meaningful. Who gives this Bride today? That's when my mother says I do. He says If there is anyone who believes that Vince and Mennaleia should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace. The church goes silent that's when the door's burst open and I see her mother. She says I object! I don't want you marrying this white bastard. Menna says Can you please get rid of her? Her voice soft nobody else can hear her. I nod at one of my goons and they drag her out of the church. I say my apologies for the interruption please continue. The priest says Vince and Mennaleia , I will now invite you to declare your sacred vows to one another. Vince, would you like to begin?
I look down at her and I say I, Vince, take you, Mennaleia , to be my lawfully wedded Wife from this day forth. I promise to be by your side for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. My love and devotion are yours until the end of my days. This is my solemn vow. The priest says Mennaleia , you may now make your promise. She looks at me and she says I, Mennaleia , take you, Vince, to be my lawfully wedded Husband from this day forth. I promise to be by your side for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. My love and devotion are yours until the end of my days. This is my solemn vow. The priest says Vince and Mennaleia , please join hands. I grab her hands and she's nervous. He says Under the eyes of God Vince, do you take Mennaleia to be your lawfully wedded Wife? Do you promise to support her completely and love her unconditionally, so long as you both shall live? I say I do. He says Under the eyes of God, Mennaleia , do you take Vince to be your lawfully wedded Husband? Do you promise to support him completely and love him unconditionally, so long as you both shall live? She says I do He says Very well, let us proceed. With your vows complete, it's time to exchange rings. Forming an unbroken circle, these rings symbolize the lifelong commitment you now enter into. Let them serve as a reminder of the love you share and the promises you've made before us today.
Vince, I will ask you to go first. Please say your vows as you place the ring on Mennaleia 's hand. I grab her ring and I slide it on her finger and I say I, Vince, give you Mennaleia this ring as a symbol of my eternal love and dedication. With this ring, I thee wed. He says Mennaleia , now you will do the same. She picks up my ring and she slides it on my finger and she says I, Mennaleia , give you Vince this ring as a symbol of my eternal love and dedication. With this ring, I thee wed.
He says By the power bestowed upon me by the Church I now pronounce Vince and Mennaleia Husband and Wife, lawfully wedded today before us all. Vince, you may now kiss the Bride I touch her face and I lean down and capture her lips in a sweet, slow, passionate kiss. We pull away after a minute or so and he says Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Moreno.

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