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❀𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕚𝕒 𝔸𝕕𝕒𝕞𝕤❀

He says why were you at Val's house? I say how do you know I was at Val's house? He says their's a tracker on the car Mennaleia now answer my question.  I say we were talking he says About? I don't say anything. He says it's alright I already know what you were talking about. He grabs me by my hair and he drags me to our room. I can't help but scream he yells shut the fuck up Mennaleia. You wanted to be fucking nosey and meddle in shit that had nothing to do with you. He pushes me on the floor and I back up against the wall. He says don't act shocked I'm sure she fucking told you shit. I say Did you kill her? He says I did and I don't want to have to do the same to you. I'll play the role of the grieving husband. I refuse to let you leave me I say I asked you to tell me and you wouldn't. He says Certain things are meant to stay unknown and that was one. Why must you go digging shit up I gave you a chance to let the shit go. You chose to go to my sister and ask her questions. I say Did you ever love me? He says Why would you ask me that? Of course I fucking love you? I say she looks exactly like me Vince. He says I won't deny that I have a specific type but you guys are so different. Your my Peace Mennaleia you bring me so much happiness. You cook for me every single day. You make sure I'm happy and satisfied. You always put me first. Nobody really knows what happened between us. What'd she tell you? I tell him and he scoffs. He kneels in front of me he says I'm not a cheater and I'm not an abuser. I did beat her once and that was only because she threatened to take all of my money if I divorced her. I filed for divorce and she was about to go through with it so I made the problem disappear. It happened over 8 years ago why can't we just let it go? I say how do I know your telling me the truth? You kept this from me for 3 years he says I'm 30 years old Mennaleia I wanna be happy with you not bring up shit from almost a decade ago. I have a right to not want to talk about. Why can't you just give me children instead of questioning me about my past? I say that's something your supposed to tell someone. I didn't know you were married before. He says what does it matter? I love you and I've been loving you for almost 4 years Mennaleia. I say prove that she was gonna take it. He grabs me by my arm and pulls me up. He pulls me to his office and their's paperwork, emails even recordings proving everything he's saying. I say I'm sorry he says don't be but she's dead and she will be in the literal sense. That's when he storms out I'm assuming to kill her.

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