What is that thing

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Ben point

I then said I'm going to name you Bumby. Yas smiled as we both played with the little Dino in the nursery. Me and Yas had so much fun till Wu came back saying all of you leave. I felt so heartbroken when they took Bumby away. Yas looked sad too when we got back. Me and Yas said we will be team Bumby and teal. Darius then said me and Kenji are team Toro and red. Sammy then said I'm thinking of team Meria and green. Roxie then said tomorrow will be a fun race. The first part is running an obstacle course, the second part is dinosaur identification. I ate supper with Yas then we went to bed. I woke up early and went to the kitchen. I then started to make donuts in the kitchen. They had a lot of the same equipment as the bakery. I work at I made donuts and turnovers. When I brought the pile of pastries the camp counselors came out of their room along with Yas and Kenji. They look at the plate of pastries. Dave then said we're you get them I shook my head. Made them myself. Yas took a donut then looked at me wide eyed. I then said heavenly? She nodded, then Kenji took one and said they can't be that good. He ate one then said I'll be taking another one to try. everyone ate till there were no more pastries. I then said what are we doing today?' Roxie said the obstacle course then cooking lessons with Ben? I then said I can't share the secret but I can make more. We got into the jeep to drive to the course. It was Yas Kenji Sammy running the optical course. By the time Yas was done they were halfway through the course. I then completed the dinosaur identification by the time Darius and Brooklyn started and we won. Later we went on a gyrosphere ride with dinosaurs that were moving. Yas was already in the one and I was heading there when Sammy got in. The door closed so I went into A different gyrosphere. Kenji came in Why me I said quietly.

time skipped to that night

Sammy and Yas were talking I was thinking of a way to get back at Kenji. For crashing our gyrosphere and blaming it on me. I went to the kitchen and got to work. The doughnut was made and I put it on a plate and put a sign that says do not eat my doughnut. I then went to sleep peacefully and was excited for tomorrow. I woke up and got ready for the day i saw Dave he then said the boss needed me and Roxie to head to the park for something has not told us what. I then said ok I then sat on the couch when Keji came into the room. I was reading a book. When I felt his breathing. I look up can I help you? He then said you better watch your back. I then said why because someone screwed up and has too big of an ego to admit they are in the wrong? He walked away Then looked at the table where I had a doughnut I made last night. Yas walked in and I then said Keji that my doughnut. He picked it up and took a big bite then he spit it out and ran to the sink. Yas started to laugh along with Sammy who watched the whole thing. I then said Keji I can take care of myself but how was that ketchup? Kenji sat in the corner. Daruis and Brooklyn walk in and Darius then says who is ready for a fun day? Kenji then said the babysitter left and told us to stay inside. I then said hey Brooklyn what new on the internet. She then said I don't know but someone took my phone Because when I came back after leaving it to charge it was gone! I then said who has not had your phone. All the other campers then talk about using it to look up stuff. I then heard a roar it sounded like the t rexs but bigger. Kenji ran to the elevator. I then said where are you going he then said to find out what that was. Everyone else nodded in agreement and said I'm going to listen to the babysitters. I then had flashbacks of my childhood.I then watched the elevator door closed .


I looked at Kenji and said are we really going to leave Ben alone. The elevator door open to reveal Ben who said I'm coming with. Kenji then said how did you go down those stairs so fast? Ben was silent and walked next to me as we were the last in the group. We followed behind everyone who went to the viewing tower. When a brachiosaurus came into sight then roared Ben then said something not right. The other looked at me. I then said That was not our mysterious dino. The huge sauropod then came crashing down and destroying the foliage and the ground shook along with the roar from before. When we saw two men run toward us when I saw the nightmare like dino step out behind them. The bone sickening crunch was heard. We were all silent as it came close to the tower. Then it stopped sniffed the air and left. I let out my breath I don't know what I was holding when the tower shook. Making Sammy lose balance and almost fall off the railing.

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