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Ben's point

I just kept walking. How could she be so reckless with Ella? The whole trying to find the food when we could have all died. How could she be so selfish and beautiful with her beautiful smile and eyes. Ben, I need to focus. I'm supposed to be mad at her but then again. She is so beautiful I then kept walking through the jungle. I heard his voice again, the screams, the gun shots. I just felt tears running down my face as the memory of that night to watch that monster. The blood of my mom and sister dead on the floor. Why is life such a mess? Why can't life be so easy like Kenji, without having to worry or do anything. The sun began to set when I came across a jeep wrangler from the original park. I looked at the driver seat to see a body. I then look at a keychain with the name Denise Nedry. So, this is what happened to the man who brought the first park crashing down. I then hear hooting then I see a Dilo then I hear a second one behind me. I grip my spear ready to fight when the Dilo in front opened up its frill and did its Rattle like roar Ready to shoot its venom when it stopped. Silence, why did it not shoot its venom I wondered? The Dilo hooted to the other one then they disappeared. But why would they just leave something is not right. I climbed a tree and went to the top before relaxing and waiting for the stars. The voice of my mother I could hear Ben whenever you feel lonely look at the stars. There you can see the angels looking over us and one day I will be there looking over you two Ben and Emily. Tears fell down my face as I looked at the stars. I miss you Mom and Sis. I just don't know if I can do this. I feel like giving up and joining you. I don't know what to do. More tears came down my cheek as I closed my eyes. I then opened them. I was back in my childhood bedroom, but this could not be right. I'm at Nublar or did I die, did I fall off the tree to my death or did I get eaten. I heard the voice Emily I said. I then open the door to the hallway and walk to the living room. I cringed at the memories of what happened here, the screams then gunshots. I looked at Emily. She looked grown up. She was sitting on the couch when she said Ben sit down and we need to talk. I sat down Emily then said Ben you have made me and mom proud, but you need to keep going Ben. I look at her, but I can't do it too hard, and I just don't know what to do. Emily chuckled as she picked up a tv remote and turned it on. The tv screen showed the playground near the house with me and Emily. I then watched as Emily did the monkey bars then it was my turn. I was half there when I fell. Younger Emily then came to the younger Ben. Are you ok? We can do something else if you want. I looked at the younger me as he got up and said no because I will never give up on anything the tv stopped as I looked back at Emily who then said Ben you need to be strong because there something coming. A mist started to fill the room Emily then said take care of my niece. I then asked Emily what you mean by danger. Emily then said the lab where Bumby came from. I then said to Emily what danger is it she just smiled and looked at me and said by bro you got this. As everything became black, I opened my eyes to see I was still in the tree. I then replayed that dream in my head. The lab where Bumby came from I thought could there be a new Dinosaur? I climb down the tree and walk towards the genetics lab. I hope that my dream warning about danger was all a lie. As I came to the lab to see the doors destroyed. I look over to see Bumbys incubator. All the eggs were smashed but one. 

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