the fall of the park

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Ben's Perspective:


Dave then said we will be picking up 6 at the pad. Roxie nodded her head then said let's get moving. We got into the jeep I sat next to Ben as we arrived at the helicopter pad. The helicopter came down and a boy came out and said Kenji here let the party begins he threw his bag at Roxie and said put this in my room. Roxie who caught it then threw it back at Kenji who fell. I then watched as he got up and brought his stuff on and sat down quietly, we then start to drive. Ben was at the end saying he doesn't do well on twisty roads. Ben after a while threw up over the side of the truck, the pink haired girl then said I'm Brooklyn. What up Brooklanders here are the people I'm with. Brooklyn pointed to a girl she then said I'm Sammy and my family proves all the meat to the parks so that's how I'm here. Brooklyn point at the dinosaur boy he then said I'm Darius and I beat the dinosaur game. She points at Kenji I'm rich so that why I'm here then point at Ben. Ben then said not a fan of the camera. Brooklyn then said you sure Ben nodded she pointed at me. I said I also hate the camera. The truck stop, something ran across the road into the brush. Roxie and Dave came out with stunning prods and went into the brush. Darius then said something when a Compy jumped up and scared us. Ben fell into me well, Kenji screamed. Darius looks at the little dinosaur then it jumps off the truck. Roxie caught the little Dino then put it in a small cat carrier. After that we continued to get to camp. We ran to the tree house. It was so massive. Dave said it claim a bunk time before we went. Everyone is sharing with one person to build a bond with. I grabbed my suitcase and was in the elevator going up by the time the other campers got to the elevator. I stepped out of the elevator and saw the commons area. It was massive. I then saw a hallway with a line of doors, I opened it to see the room look like a college dorm. The room had a bunk bed built into the wall on the other side were two different dressers. I started to unpack my things. I started to think who I wanted as my roommate Kenji was arrogant, Brooklyn was so self centered, Sammy I have not interacted with yet and Darius talks too much. I then realized It was left Ben he was nice quiet and friendly. Brooklyn and Kenji came bursting out of the elevator. I then said this room is claimed as they both ran into separate rooms then there was a knock on the door later. I then said who is it Sammy then said is this Brooklyn. I said no after a while I heard another knock on the door I opened it and Ben was there he then said can I bunk with you in here? I then said I'm fine with that after an hour Dave knocked on the door and said time to give you the tour of camp. The tour around the treehouse we went to a tower that was not far from the treehouse with a zipline. I looked over and saw all kinds of dinosaurs Daruis was naming one after another, Dave then said Ben come over here Ben did and next thing I know he ziplined across the dinos and screamed out of panic but stopped when he looked down. I then went next followed by the rest of the campers. After that we headed back Dave then said tomorrow we have to come up with our team mascot that night. Ben went to bed I had the tv on and saw America's Most Wanted. Ben was reading when the show went on and said John Angle. Murder killed wife and one of the two kids. I then heard a book hit the floor with a thud then I heard crying. I turn off the tv and look at the bunk below. I saw Ben curled up crying into his knee. I then said are you ok? He shook his head and quietly said I knew that family I was he then cried. I went down and hugged him. Ben between breaths then said I was friends with her. I then said I'm sorry why don't we watch something else you can pick? Ben shook his head no and said can we leave it off for the night I then said sure. Dave then knocked on the door and said light out. Ben turned off the light and I fell asleep. I had a dream dominos going down one by one then a carnotaurus my brother's all time favorite dinosaur. Then Darius is in a cage with it and it runs towards him. A big white weird looking Dino attacks The treehouse. Then Ben I was holding his hand as he was hanging off the monorail and he fell. I awake to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes ready to kill whoever woke me up when I saw it was Ben. Ben said you were breathing hard and talking about running Don't get eaten and I just thought you were having a bad dream. So I woke you up and I got you some water as he handed me a glass of water. I then said thanks as I drank it then I said Ben how come you are up? Ben then said can't sleep thinking about Emily Angle. She was a sister to me. Then I said is that Roxie and Dave talking loud ? Ben nodded and said Darius, Kenji and Brooklyn went out and went into a dino pen. Ben then said you should get some sleep I then said the same to you. I closed my eyes and had nice dreams of me winning my races and then seeing Ben cheering me on. It was weird I just met him. The next day we got up Ben did not get any sleep. We then got ready for the day and went to the truck to go to the genetics lab. We drop Darius and Kenji off to deal with dino poop. We got to the lap Sammy and Brooklyn were talking to a man named Henry Wu. Well Me and Ben were at an incubator. When one of the eggs started to rock back and forth and rolled off the incubator. Ben caught it then it cracked open and a baby dino popped out. It was a teal asymmetrical ankylosaurus.

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