Abandon Again

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Yas point

Everyone looked at me for what to do next. I then said Kenji , can you drive a bout? He then said my dad has a yacht club. I then said yes or no? He looked at me and said yes. I then said I got a plan for you all and Bumby to go to the boat and move it away from the dock. That way they can't take it and go a distance away from the dock and watch the dock. I will meet up with Ben and help him. Bumpy walked with the others away as I went to the surface hatch and opened it and saw Mitch hanging from a snare trap.Tiff handed him a gun that was all bent up and left him. The ground shook as the thunderous roar of the queen of the island announced her presents. Then I saw Rexy eat Mitch but also two baryonyx watching in a distance before leaving. Rexy walked away toward the park. Then I heard the engine of a motorcycle. I step out of the hatch knowing Ben could not be too far from me. Then a black motorcycle drifted in front of me. I then see Ben driving it. He then said get on we need to beat Tiff to the bout. I held tight to his chest. I could feel his muscles on his chest when we arrived at the dock. I get off to see the others running to the bout as Tiff is seen driving it away. Tiff then steps to the back of the bout and says I'm not coming back for you losers I hope you all die. Then Cody runs past us saying wait for me Mom. Tiff then said no I never wanted you so consider this being disowned. Tiff then went back to drive the ship. Darius then said, Cody looks like you are stuck with us. Cody then said you guys would let me join you guys. Ben then said I think we should kill him, he was going to kill all of us. Cody then said wait you are with them Jungle idiot. Ben then says yes and steps forward and puts his spear tip up to Cody's throat. Ben then said in a dark tone. You hurt anyone in any way you will be killed in a painful way I will guarantee you that. Ben walks to Ella Then Cody walks to me and says you are still up for a date and a little fun. Ben turn on a dime and said "THATS IT FUCKER YOU ARE DEAD!" Daruis, Kenji, Sammy and Brooklyn all went to tackle Ben and take away his spear. Kenji then says to Ben how are you this strong as Bumby uses her tail to pin Ben down to the ground. Daruis then says to Ben we need each other to live. Ben then says Cody stop harassing Yasmina and maybe I will not kill him for now. Cody then says,Where are we going to live? Bumby then lifts her tail off of Ben who gets up and says this is a mistake. Cody then says like not killing you when I had the chance. Ben runs towards Cody ready to kill him. I then ran in front of Ben and held him in a hug and said you hurt Cody you will be just as bad as Cody's parents and do you want to set that example for Ella. Ben then says fine he then starts pushing the bike by Kenji as we walk towards the tree house. We got there and Ben propped the bike up against a tree and started to sharpen his spear. Cody walks to the other side of camp and leans up against a tree and sleeps. Daruis then says we need to keep Cody and Ben from Killing each other. Kenji then said they act like how cats and dogs hate each other. Sammy Then said well on my ranch the cats and dogs get along fine. Brooklyn then says how do we keep them from killing each other. I look over to see Ben put his spear down and walk into the woods. I then see Cody get up and grab Ben's spear and go in the direction Ben went. I then said guys I think Cody is going to kill Ben. I then told the others what I just watched. I then said I will go after them with Bumpy while the rest of you guys stay here.

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