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She smiles as she approaches Marco.

Her hair flicks around her neck and shoulders as she tilts her head and grins.

"Marco, Marco. What a surprise." She laughs, touching his arm subtly. She had to win this bet, and even though she knew that she and Lucas were being childish, she wanted to win. 

Marco smirks in greeting, his scraggly shaven beard flickering silver in the candlelight. "Why, if it's not Yara Moore."

"That's me." She grins. 

"It sure is." He smiles. 

"So, I would be lying if I said I hadn't come over here with an exterior motive." She casts her eyes down and up again, batting her lashes.

Oh, yeah. She's had loads of practice with this 'nice girl' act.

His smirk grows as he peers down at her. "And what might that be, Yara?" 

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that on your visit here, you've decided to stay with The Evermore Suites, and not with us. Should I be offended?" " She purposely makes her voice disgusted, but only slightly. Her glittery smile covers it up.

Marco Smith chuckles lightly. "Of course you should be! But don't worry my dear, I'm staying with The Evermore Suites for two nights, and then The White Dove for another two nights. I'll be seeing you soon enough."

She pales. She can't believe it. "Oh." Her face drops, but she quickly regains character. "I'll see you soon, then." 

"Yes. My friends and I are looking forward to taking over." He winks.

She cringes inwardly. No man should ever wink. Especially when he thinks he's being charming. Only people like Ted Bundy wink and well... we all know how that ends.

"And I look forward to cleaning up the millions of beer bottles and leftover weed." Her words cut sharply, but her disarming smile and sparkly eyes makes the words softer... almost naughty. 

He smiles back, grinning broadly. "Well, I suppose I have to go meet your parents now. I haven't said hello yet, and the Devil may burn my body in Hell if I do not greet the most famous hotel owners in history." 

She frowns at the very specific way he states that, but grins back. "Except my mother is the Devil herself." She laughs, mostly at herself. Her mother had always been rather strict, of course with the best intentions at heart, and often she treated her sisters differently because they were younger.

Yara got used to this, and she accepted it. She knew she was the oldest. The oldest was the person that needed to look after everyone. Even if that involved swearing and shouting at her younger siblings, she would protect them with every bit of her spiky heart.

Marco laughs heartily as well, taking a sip of the champagne. He swallows, rather noisily she might add, and looks somewhere behind her. "Ah, the woman I was looking for! I'll be back, I need to talk to my friend, see you soon, dear!" He raises his glass and smiles merrily as he leaves Yara alone.

She grins to herself as she turns back around and out onto the balcony. Half of her expected him to still be there.

And she was right.


His back is turned towards her, but he smells her rosy perfume wafting in the midnight air anyway. He hasn't memorized it, she just has a familiar smell. He scrunches his nose up at the thought. Why would he know what she smelt like? All she smelt like was bullsh!t stories and fake smiles, covering up her evil glances and glares that nobody but him saw.

He hears the tap of her heels on the concrete before she is standing next to him, looking across the backyard. He takes a puff of his cigarette and glances at her. 

"You knew." She doesn't look at him, just says the words calmly.

After another puff, he replies. "I did."

She sighs, finally glancing at him. "Give me a puff." She sticks her hand out, her fingers ready to accept the cigarette.

He smirks, challenge in his eyes. "Is that how a princess asks?"

She rolls her eyes. "Give it."


She groans, tilting her head back and dropping her hand to the balcony. He freezes as he watches her. Her small groan melted into the night air, and it was silent once again.

"So, does this mean I lost the bet?" She asks.

"Technically, yes. But I'm a kind human being," She scoffs at this. "So I'll let you have one favor against me, and I have three, because I won."

"Hardly fair, but whatever. You knew he was staying at both hotels, you ass."

He chuckles, deep and intense. He can't help but notice the goosebumps on her arms. "It's possible I did."

Maybe because he's so distracted, fascinated by her, that he doesn't notice it. Out of nowhere, she grabs the cigarette out of his hand and places it into her mouth. She takes a long drag, and blows out the smoke in a ring.

"How naughty. The princess knows how to smoke, does she?"

She goes red, and he delights in the way her chin points up defiantly. "Yeah, so?"

"Seems like you've had a lot of practice." He smirks.

She smirks back. "I've had practice at a lot of things." 

He takes the cigarette back and takes another puff before blowing the smoke out, away from her face. "I'm sure you have. Behind daddy's back, maybe?"

Yara scoffs and rolls her eyes. Her defined eyebrow goes up. "You're saying my father is holding me captive or something? Am I not allowed to do what I like?"

He narrows his eyes, lowering his head to meet hers. "I'm saying whatever I'm saying."

She stares into his chocolate eyes, glaring. Without warning, she snatches the cigarette from his hands once more, but instead of taking a puff, she puts it out, stabbing it into the railing and leaving ashes.

"I don't care what you say." She says rebelliously.

He grits his teeth and steps away from her. "Like I care about you even a little bit."

He expects to see her flinch, but her face stays cold and angry. He can't help but be impressed. Most people flinch or glance away, but her dark eyes stay glowering into his. 

"You think I care about you? Even your parents don't, so why should I? I don't even like you." She spits.

Although his face doesn't change, his heart can't help but sink a little at the mention of his parents. It was true, his parents had been rather harsh on him ever since he was a child. They made sure they molded him, shaped him into the perfect young man he was today. Focused and ruthless, just as they are, they trained him to be like them.

And he was.

She must notice his quietness because her angry face gradually falls, and she grows silent.

"I-I'm going to go inside." She brushes his shoulder with hers as she gently pushes her way past him, the anger gone from her face, the realization of what she just said setting in.

And this time he doesn't stop her, instead lighting another cigarette. 


aww is our beautiful boy broken on the inside??
yeah lol but who isn't 
comment, vote and share for more!!

xx, red

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