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She finishes breakfast up, chomping down on the last pieces of fruit and giggling with Sarah, when she feels someone come up behind her. 

God, why is he back again?

She rolls her eyes as she turns around, expecting to see him.

But she doesn't. 

Instead, she sees a handsome man standing in front of her. His dark hair gleamed in the light, although she wasn't sure if it was gel or oil that was making it shine like that. 

She was, of course, praying it was gel. 

His eyes regarded her as though he had known her all her life, and he breaks out into a thin smile, showcasing his white teeth, perfect apart from one silver tooth that she was pretty sure was fake. 

He stuck his hand out, and she looks curiously at it. This was strange. 

Although he didn't look suspicious in any way, he had an uncanny aura about him. 

Weird vibes, she thought as she smiles small and shakes his hand. 

His hand was smooth, as if he had just lathered a bucket of lotion over it. The thought makes Yara uncomfortable, but she shoves it aside. 

This could be an important man, after all. 

In return of her uncertain smile, he grins wider. "Do you not know I am? Do you not recognize my face?"

The confidence he had outshone hers by a mile, and that by itself was impressive. The pride on his face drops as soon as the words leave her mouth. 

"No, sorry. I don't recognize you. Have we met before?" She raises a brow.

She feels Sarah's stifled laughs behind her. Yara casually crosses her legs, knowing that it'd shift his attention to her bottom half while she had time to study him.

Sure enough, as predicted, his beady eyes drop to the lower part of her body, studying her lithe legs and short skirt. 

She can't help but smirk as she continues to silently observe him.

He had a Rolex on his right wrist and a thin gold chain across his neck. He stood, not stiffly, but composed. Prepared. 

Oh, he was going to ask her something. 

She could tell. From the way he was studying her body language in return, he was going to speak.

"No, we haven't met. I'm sure I'd have remembered your gorgeous face." His eyes dart around her face. 

"How sweet of you." She stuck her hand out in a formal greeting. "Yara." 

He shakes it again, taking her small hand in both of his. "I'm Harill. Harill LaMont." 

No bells rung in Yara's head. 

She blinks, then smiles. "I don't recognize that. Although, I'm sure I'd have remembered your gorgeous name." She drawls, repeating his earlier statement. 

He chuckles. "Oh, you're funny."

He doesn't let go of her hand, instead getting lost in her eyes. 

Sarah clears her throat behind them. 

Yara grimaces slightly, pulling her hand away. "The funniest." She covers her face with a beam. She glances at Sarah, and naturally being the best of friends, Sarah understands her silent plea for help. 

Sarah stands up, Reid behind her. "Well, I'm sorry, Harill. Yara and I have to go. Important business for us ladies." She loops around the table and puts her arm in Yara's. 

Yara stands and grabs the plastic bowl that once held her fruit in it. She grabs the white fork and smiles at Harill once more. 

"Pleased to meet you, Harill. See you." She walks past him, her arm brushing his, and strolls to the bin where she throws her rubbish away. 

She pulls Sarah close. "My God, that was the most awkward encounter ever to exist." 

Sarah smiles. "Seriously." She agrees. "You're so lucky to have me." 

Yara elbows Sarah lightly in the stomach, which causes Sarah to laugh. 

She glances back at her boyfriend. "Hey Reid, I'll meet you later, okay?" 

Reid smiles, lighting up. "Of course, baby."

Sarah leans up for a kiss and then Reid walks away, leaving the two alone to strut around the hallway.

Yara scrunches her nose. "Isn't it weird when he calls you baby?"

Sarah giggles. "It's adorable. I take it you don't like pet names?"

"Yep. I like nicknames, though. Personalized ones. Not just babe." 

Sarah laughs. "Yeah, I guessed it."

They walk in silence, watching people. 

"What's up with you and Lucas, by the way?" Sarah breaks the comfortable silence. 

"Let's go for a walk in your garden. By the pool. My favorite spot, you know?" Yara ignores her, smiling blissfully at the elevator.

Sarah smirks knowingly. "Don't dodge the question. But yes, we can go." Sarah clicks the correct button and the elevator flows down to the level. 

The doors open, revealing Indigo Hotel's famous garden. 

Roses, tulips, lilies and more, the glass room is full of beautiful smelling flowers. Plants of all shapes and sizes fill up the room, with an enchanting pathway leading you to the balcony with a breathtaking view.

This was Yara's favorite part of Indigo. 

It was bright and airy, the definition of Sarah herself. 

They walk, arm in arm, and settle on a small table and chairs. 

As they sit, Sarah starts to giggle. "Silence speaks louder than words, Yara."

Yara looks at Sarah and raises her eyebrow. "Excuse me?" She says, purposefully sassy. 

Sarah laughs. "Don't try to deny it. I feel the sexual tension. The energy. The attraction."

Yara sighs and looks at her nails. She needed to paint another coat of clear gloss soon. She chips at her ring finger. "Sarah, do not try to make this some kind of fairy tale fantasy."

"I'm not!" Sarah raises her hands in defense. "I'm just saying..." She pauses, smirking. "You guys have the attraction. You are clearly blinded by this false hatred your parents have put in front of you. His too. Just because your families are made out to be 'rivals' in the news doesn't mean you actually hate each other. And I mean your families." 

Yara scoffs. "Damn, you know a lot." 

She sighs when Sarah stays quiet. "Don't just stare, continue." 

Sarah laughs. "Okay, for one, has your parents ever said anything about hating the Finnegan's?" 

Yara opens her mouth but pauses, thinking. It's true, they have never outrightly said anything.

"Nothing about hatred. But they have talked about the competition." 

"There you have it." Sarah giggles. "They don't hate each other, they probably think that it's just not ideal to be friends with your biggest competition. That's why they hardly talk at events." 

Yara tilts her head, nodding slowly. "Okay, I see what you're talking about. But I don't get what you're hinting at." She narrows her eyes at Sarah. 

"Why don't you guys just... hookup once?"


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