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Sarah stuttered behind her, but Yara barely heard. She was focused on the boy in front of her. 

How did he get from the table ten meters away to right in front of her?

She glared at him and Duncan, biting the metal fork in her mouth. "None of your business." 

"Aw, you wound me, Yara." Lucas puts a hand against his chest, pouting. 

Her eyes immediately fall to his mouth, where his bottom lip is jutted out. She curses internally. She rips her gaze away from his lips and continues scowling up at him. 

You need to stop. Stop thinking things like that. Stop thinking about the way your name rolls of his tongue. Or how good he smells. Or how his hair falls perfectly above his eyes. 

She rolls her eyes, mostly to herself, but Lucas doesn't miss it. 

"Well, now you've gotten us interested, Ms. Moore." He drawls, and she feels something ripple through her body at the way her name sounded from his lips. 

He takes a step closer, so that her crossed legs are almost touching him. Duncan smirks from beside Lucas. 

"Very interested. Who were you talking about, Sarah?" Duncan says teasingly. 

Sarah regains her composure. "None of your fvcking business. Go away." 

Duncan sucks in a sarcastic breath. "Ouch." 

Lucas just smirks, his eyes never leaving Yara's.

"You heard the lady." Reid steps up behind Sarah, hugging her. "Go away." He teases his friends.

Lucas doesn't say a word, while Duncan rambles about how Sarah was talking dirty about someone. 

The eye contact never swayed, his hot gaze staying on Yara's for what seemed like forever. 

She tore her gaze away from his the moment she felt her stomach flutter. Hell no. 

Tell me you're not getting butterflies from Mr. Freaking Lucas Freaking Finnegan. She cursed in her mind. 

"Probably about me." Reid grabs a chair and sits down next to her, kissing her cheek. Sarah smiles and turns her head, and the couple start kissing. 

Yara turned around on the bench, facing Sarah again, trying to ignore the boy behind her. But unfortunately, Duncan takes a seat on the right of her while Lucas sits on the left of the square table. 

She inwardly groans. Why? Why? Why is my life like this?

Sarah giggles, pulling away. "No. Not about you." 

"Then who?" Reid smirks, staring at her lips. 

Sarah stares at Yara, then raised a brow suggestively. Yara could practically see the gears turning in her head. 

So she raised her brow back. 

And Sarah began to talk. 

"Well, Yara broke up with this guy a month ago, and he wasn't leaving her alone, sending notes and stuff, so I was telling her about how she should get revenge." Sarah stares at Duncan, then Lucas, who was lounging in his seat like he didn't give a sh!t. Which he probably didn't. 

"And how is that?" Duncan says, looking between Lucas and me.

"By finding another guy and, you know, making him jealous." Sarah grins, staring directly at Lucas. 

Yara's eyes widened as she realised Sarah's plans. 

"Yes, but I am not doing that, right, Sarah?" Yara grits her teeth. 

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