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I sigh, getting off of the bed and following Lucas into the hallway.

"Hey, wait!" I run after him.

He scowls as he turns around, so quickly, that I come into contact with his hard chest. Even through his shirt, I feel the hard lines of his defined torso. I knock into him, and by reflex, he grabs my arms to steady me.

We stare at each other for a second, a tense moment of eye contact, before he shakes his head and releases of me. "Watch where you're fvcking going." 

I blink.

I huff, walking next to him as he saunters to the elevator. "Maybe if you didn't sprint like this is the bloody Olympics."

He doesn't say anything, just pins me down with his cold, calculating gaze. 

I gulp, suddenly nervous. No, I will not be nervous. 

I hide everything behind my annoyed exterior, and I glare back at him. "Anyway, what're you going to do? Bust in there and interrupt their 'lovemaking'  like we're cops or something?" I roll my eyes. "Good luck with that, Sarah will probably murder you."

He sighs, rubbing his face. "Would you just shut up?"

I put my hands up as if in surrender. "Just helping, grumpy face."

He stops in his tracks, right before the elevator. "Shut up." 

"You know, if I had a penny for every time you've said that today." I roll my eyes again.

He clicks the button and leans against the wall on the left. He stares at me, eyes narrowed, as if trying to understand me. I almost tremble underneath his intense gaze. Sometimes it shocked me how his angel face could hold such anger in his brown orbs.

"Why are you coming?"

"Are you kidding? I'm trying to stop you from doing something you don't want to do." I scoff.

"What do you mean?" He grumbles, looking tired. Me, too.

"You're going to get traumatized. They're literally pounding out right now, and you want to waltz in?" I huff.

He nods. "I'd do anything to be away from you."

I roll my eyes. God, this dude. So immature. "Really? Aw, is it my cooties? You're afraid of girls?" I mock.

"I've had more girlfriends than you could count, so no, I don't think the problem is that you're a girl. Also, if you keep rolling your eyes, I'm going to punch you."

I raise my brow, smirking. "Go on. The floor's yours." 

He looks up at the ceiling, exposing his sunlit neck. I watch his Adam apple bob as he sighs.

"Do I really have to explain why I hate you?" He says, seething.

"No, but I have a long list of why I hate you." I smile provocatively. 

The elevator beeps, the doors sliding open. "Whatever, princess. Go shower or something. I'm going up there." He says the nickname scathingly.

I narrow my eyes. "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." I turn, strutting back to the room.


She takes a hot shower, rinsing everything off of her. She doesn't wash her hair though, instead leaving it tied up in a messy bun. The bathroom was luxurious, although small, and it was bright and airy inside, even though it was almost six o'clock. 

The first night, all the kids in WBCT would be served their preferred meal in their rooms. You're meant to watch this video about settling in and learning your schedule for the week, but no one ever did. They would probably play it again tomorrow, so she wasn't bothered.

Yara dries herself off, putting on her underwear and nothing else. She was starved. She steps out and opens the hotel door. As predicted, there are two platters sitting on the ground, smelling divine. 

Holding her towel up with one hand, she drags the trays in. She sets one up on the table between the beds and opens the trays.

Two steaks and mash, steaming veggies and jelly cups. Little cakes and hot coffee, buckets of ice and... 

Yara cheers as she notes that they have green tea. Her favorite. 

She sits, crossed legged, on the bed as she eats.  

Soon, the front door opens, revealing a frustrated Lucas. He runs his hand through his hair and Yara gulps down her food. 

He groans, face planting onto his bed. 

Yara freezes, then laughs. "I take it that it didn't go well?"

"Shut the fvck up."

A beat passes as Yara tries not to giggle. 

"No, it didn't work. They were about to rip each other's clothes off. But Sarah looked guilty. At least. Reid didn't give a sh!t." He grumbles.

"Well. This food is fvcking good. Eat."

He sits up, staring at her. "Why do you care."

She rolls her eyes. "Don't waste this food, princess." She uses her nickname against him, and he works his jaw. 

He shuffles over to the edge of his bed and grabs a plate, digging in. "Don't call me th-" He looks up at her once, and freezes. 


She's wearing nothing but a towel, sitting crossed-legged. Even though her hair is tied up, strands that came loose in her shower drip down her collarbone, drawing his attention there. Her eyes twinkle as she snaps at him, talking as they eat. Her skin glows, and her smile is genuine. Who knew the way to thaw ice would be a hot shower and good food?

He shakes himself out of it. Stop staring.

"What did you say?" She smirks, as if knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't call me princess." He rolls his eyes.

"Oh, so it's okay if you call me that, but I can't call it." 


"Great, good to know I can add sexism to your list of traits." She scoffs.

"What? That's not sexist. You're just dramatic."

"Lucas, don't ever call a woman dramatic unless you have a death wish."

He grits his teeth. "Funny advice coming from a child."

She rolls her eyes. "Says you, the one who interrupted his friend's sexy time to get away from me."

"Worth it." He says under his breath.

Yara tilts her head. "What if our parents find out about this? My mother would be furious."

"Same. But I don't give a sh!t about them." 

To this, Yara falls silent, her peachy lips tilting down. "Right."

In the distance, Yara could hear screaming and yelling.

Her ears prickle as she glances at Lucas. 

"Do you hear that?" She asks quietly.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing a crying Sarah.

Yara jumps off of the bed, running up to Sarah. "What's wrong?" She didn't care that her robe opened up a little, exposing her collarbone, she didn't care. "What's wrong, Sarah? Sarah?"

Sarah didn't reply, just cries into Yara's face. 

Lucas continues eating in the background, watching the both of them, but when the words come out of Sarah's mouth, he gets up.

"H-he hit m-me."


the tension and drama
i'm like such a good writer 


lol i'm just kidding 

xoxo, redddd <3

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