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The police arrive at 9:30, and tired kids rush out and peek, trying to steal glances at the drama. Yara can tell the stories tomorrow will be bursting with fake rumors. 

Children of millionaire hotel owners get into trouble at business camp!
Lucas Finnegan and Yara Moore in trouble with law at hotel that's not theirs?!
Who are Lucas and Yara's mysterious friends, Sarah Darby and Reid Jay?!
Will the love ever end? Into Lucas and Yara's strange relationship!

She sits with Sarah at the back of an ambulance, who was shivering under a blanket. The police and staff had been very nice to Sarah and Yara, offering anything they needed. 

Lucas and Reid were being questioned, and the man had been taken into custody and arrested. 

Apparently, after Lucas left their room and returned to Yara, a man knocked on the hotel door. He had burst in and looked drunk, so Reid stepped up to cover Sarah, because her shirt was off and being the gentlemen he was, he didn't want to expose her.

The man was drunk stupid, and apparently he started fighting Reid, then slapped Sarah.

Police were starting to connect dots though, and they realised that this man used to work on campus as a professor, but when he was fired, he went into deep depression, resulting in jealous insanity. This was not his first attack.


Yara's phone buzzes in her pocket. She grabs it and sees her mother's name across the screen. Sighing, she presses the green button.


"Honey! Are you okay?"

"Yes, mom, nothing really happened. This drunk dude hit Sarah and fought Reid, but everyone's fine. He's arrested."

"Oh, good." She sighed in obvious relief. Yara's mother was a very paranoid mother, who doesn't trust anoybody.

"Am I going home? I don't really want to stay anymore." 

"I'm sorry, Yara. You would be coming home, but there would be no one here. Your father and I have to go to France for two weeks because we thought you'd be at the camp. We might be expanding there. Anyway, your sisters are with their friends, so you'll have to stay with Sarah. We've called her parents." Ginny rambles on.

"Okay." Honestly, she didn't mind the change of plans. "I should pack up. I'm okay though, don't worry."

"I know. Love you, and stay safe."

"Love you too, bye."

Yara hangs up, and smiles at Sarah. "Guess who's joining the family?"


Sarah had been a little shaken up, but when Reid had protected her, the lust had taken another step up. Sarah was now aching for him. Which means, unfortunately, she had to break the news to her best friend.

"Yara." She stops her friend as they get out of the limo and stand in front of Indigo Hotel. 

Indigo Hotel wasn't as huge as The White Dove, or The Evermore Suites, but it was growing, and fast. Sarah's name was slowly climbing the charts, and her Instagram had blown up. At first, she'd been known as Yara's mysterious friend, and she had made it her mission to let the media into her life. 

Now she knew she was famous.

But then this fvcking psychopath ruins her first. Her first with Reid. The possible love of her life.

Her beautiful friend looks at her, tilting her head. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

She smiles, and Yara relaxes. "Yes. I just need to tell you something."

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