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The bedroom was cute, filled with fresh flowers and little pictures of rabbits. It smelled of sunflowers, and it was bright, with one queen-sized bed lavishly decorated in cotton pillows, and one luxury pull out couch, it's beige leather flawless. 

The whole room was bright and airy, the definition of Sarah herself. 

The three of them pile into the room, checking and studying it. 

"Oh, man! Dibs the couch." Duncan hops over to the couch and touches the LED lights and shiny cupholders like it's a work of art. "It's beautiful."

"Um, no. I'm taking the couch. You guys take the bed." Yara cuts in. 

She is not bunking with Lucas. Are you kidding?

Duncan smirks knowingly. "Scared of Lucas?"

She scoffs while bending down to unpack her stuff. "Only the diseases he has." 

Lucas meets her eyes over his suitcase. She stares at them. It astounded her how the very warm, inviting color of his eyes contrasted with the iciness behind them. "Very mature."

"As always." She smiles snarkily, looking at her stuff, so she didn't have to look at his almost glowing brown eyes.

Duncan looks between the two of them, still smirking. "Well, how lucky. What a coincidence that the three of us are in one room together. And what a sad coincidence that I have to leave tomorrow."

"What?" Lucas perks up, while Yara just raises a brow. 

"Oh yeah. Did I fail to mention? My parents are picking me up tomorrow. Paxton's already left, and Reid's bunking with his mistress," Yara scrunches her nose at his calling Sarah Reid's 'mistress' and Lucas rolls his eyes. "So that means you'll have to bunk together anyway."

"Are you stupid? When you leave, there'll be one bed and one couch. Do the math." Yara drawls.

"You really don't know Lucas, do you?" Duncan's smirk grows. 

Yara frowns angrily. "What do you think."

"He's a gentleman." Duncan opens his hands and waves them around like a magician. 

At this, Yara straight up laughs. "And you're a joker today, aren't you?" She bites her lip to stop another laugh from pouring out. 

She looks at Duncan, however, and misses the way that Lucas's eyes dart to her mouth.

"I'm serious! Do you really think he'd let you sleep on this dingy couch?"

"Um, a minute ago, you were talking about how beautiful the couch was." Lucas points out flatly.

"Shut up, Lucas, now's not the time." Duncan puts a hand up in front of his face and continues smiling at Yara.

"So what, he's such a gentleman he'd take the 'dingy' couch for me?" She rolls her eyes. "I'm sure it's easy for you to see why it's hard for me to believe that."

"Yeah, but rest assured. You will eventually share a bed." Duncan's eyes gleam mischievously. 

"Oh, I'll rest assured tonight. On the couch. Now move your stuff. I'm sleeping here." Yara moves her bag onto the couch, and Duncan's grin doesn't falter, even as he moves to the bed.

"For now." Duncan grins. Lucas fakes a punch in Duncan's face, and he flinches, making Lucas chuckle darkly. 

"Next time it'll be real, Dunc." He smirks, but the threat is clear.

"Just like the spark between you and-" He gets cut off by the pillow she throws at his face. He barks out a laugh and throw's another pillow back. Lucas rolls his eyes and walks into the bathroom, leaving her and one of the most annoying people she has ever met alone in the room.

"You know, I'm starting to hate you more than Lucas himself." She huffs, getting her laptop out and settling onto the couch.

"Wow, really? We all know that's impossible, though." He smirks at me from the bed, grabbing his phone.

"What's your deal with him, anyway. Why are you so obsessed with Lucas and me?" Yara types in her password, only half listening to Duncan's response. 

"Ah, Yara, Yara. There is much you don't know." 

Yara scowls at him from above her laptop. "Good to know, O' Wise Man."

He grins. "I do have something important to tell you, though. And it is valid. I promise."

She sighs. "What, Duncan?"

His smile grows wider at the mention of his name. "There is a thin line between hate and love."

Yara's mouth drops open. "Wow, I've never heard that before. How original of you. Thanks for the advice, I will cherish it since, you know, you're so wise." She says sarcastically. 

He doesn't stop smiling, and she wants to punch it off of his face. "Don't deny the chemistry."

She scoffs. "Between whom? You and your phone? I have to say, it does look like your phone is heating up at your touch." She makes a face.

He rolls his eyes playfully, still joking around. Or was he?

"Between you and Mr. Grump." He nods to the bathroom behind her.

Yara opens her mouth, about to retort, when a deep, silky voice replies from behind. 

"Yara must be honored to receive your great dating advice, Duncan. Maybe she'll really take it to heart." He bites out, voice warm as honey. 

Poisonous honey.

Yara looks back and locks eyes with Lucas. 

His blonde curls were mussed up, but his pale eyes were alert, awake. Black sweatpants swung low on his hips, revealing a pronounced V line under the most defined abs, Yara has ever seen in her life. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and she averts her eyes, to his secret amusement.   

Damn it. 

Duncan replied, but Yara didn't hear as she tracked Lucas's movements as he walked to the bed, staring at his back muscles as they shifted. She tried to shake herself out of it, internally cursing.

This was her enemy, the asshole that she hated. His parents were jerks, he was a jerk. It all added up. They never got along, always hating and scheming. 

Lying in bed that night, fully clothed and not changed yet, she kept questioning herself. She wasn't overthinking, she didn't like doing that, but she was curious. And annoyed.

Why was she so attracted to him? It was a lust she had never felt before in her life. Nothing this strongly. It was a magnetic pull towards him. Every time he looked at her, glared at her, opened his mouth, her insides twisted nervously. 

She wasn't used to this sh!t. 

This is the stuff that happens in erotica novels, not real life.

So why did the butterflies fluttering about feel so real?


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