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Later, Reid packs up his stuff.

Lucas frowns at him from where he's lounging on the bed. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. I'll be back tomorrow. We have our first course at seven." He shoves a box of condoms into his backpack. Lucas sits up, eyebrows raised.

"Damn, Reid. Are you getting some tonight?"

Reid smiles goofy-eyed. "Yeah. See you tomorrow. If you hear a knock on the door, it's me, okay?" Reid was going to follow the plan Sarah created. It was perfect.

"Sure. See you later, my boy." Lucas claps him on the back sarcastically.

Reid rolls his eyes. "Yep. Ciao." He leaves the room, backpack swung on his shoulders. He looked ready to pounce. Lucas shakes his head, chuckling to himself as he sits back onto the bed and continues checking his email.

About ten minutes pass before he hears a knock on the door. Lucas frowns.

There's no way he's that quick.

Lucas gets up, alert, and opens the door.

"Hey, Dunc-" Yara Moore stands there, wide-eyed and shocked.

"What the fvck?" Lucas swears.


I stare into his face. The dimmed lights in the hallway made him look deadlier than usual, his full lips framed by shadows, brown eyes sparkling. With annoyance.

"What are you doing here?" He stares down at me, agitated.

"You're not Duncan."

"No sh!t." He grumbles, shutting the door.

I insert my foot into the crack, and he rolls his eyes, holding it open. "Is this room three-sixty-one?"

"Yes. Now piss off." He shuts the door again, and this time I let it close.

I want to go back to our room, but I don't want to traumatize myself and listen to whatever's happening. Sarah. You fvcking knew. She played me. She knew that it wasn't Duncan.

I knock on the door again. I hear a row of colorful swears behind the door, and he opens it again, revealing his angelic face. "What do you want?" I can feel the heat of his anger bubbling around us, the tension thick.

"Reid and Sarah's fvcking in my room. She played me. She said I'm meant to be bunking with Duncan." I scowl. "Did not expect you." I mutter.

"Well, in that case, Reid played me too. But go find another room. You're not staying here."

I roll my eyes. "Do you know what time it is? The front desk can't find me a room. Mia said most of the rooms were full."

"First, who the fvck's Mia, second, do I look like I give a sh!t? Sleep on the floor for all I care."

I scoff at him. "I'm not doing that, and you know it."

"Since you're the daughter of the Moore family, shouldn't you be able to bag a room? It can't be that hard." He snaps.

"Then you go do that. You go find a room. I'll stay here."

"I'm not fvcking moving."

I grit my teeth and let out a heated breath. "Then let me in. It's one night. Can't be that bad."

He shakes his head. "No. Absolutely not. How do you think our parents would feel about that?"

"Who the fvck cares. I'm not sleeping anywhere else." I quip.

He groans softly. "Fine. But you better not say a word to anybody else."

I stare at him for a second. His groan had caught me off guard. Who knew he could sound like that?

"What the fvck do you think I'm going to do, smart ass." I push through the door with my backpack, and look at the room.

"This room's tiny." I grumble, setting my bag onto the bed that didn't have a laptop sitting on it.

"Aw, not good enough for the princess?" He says, voice gentle.

I narrow my eyes.

"Then go change the fvcking room." His tone turns venomous.

"I might just chuck you off the balcony. Works faster." I spit.

"You do that." He says, grabbing his laptop and getting comfy in the pillows.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "I can't be fvcked."

He doesn't say anything as I fall onto the soft bed. I moan softly. "This bed's so comfy."

Lucas tenses, glancing over at me. I smirk into the pillow. My groan caught him off guard, too. As much as I want to go to bed, I need to finish my blog, so I fish my computer out of my bag and start typing. I find myself laughing at how different I am in this blog compared to real life.


$10 > kittywantsmore69

hello, kittywantsmore69
interesting nickname btw
it is i.... the master of writing

i have your short story and boy, did you want the spicy sh!t, pretty weird too ngl.

you requested: mermaid falls in love with sailor, and she wins her legs back if she... you know... on him. written in first person. lotsa smut.....


enjoy your story kittywantsmore69 <3

"I need my feet. I miss my legs, Oliver. You don't understand."
"Darling, if you want your legs back, all you have to do is make me come."
"It's all you have to do, darling." Oliver smiles, tucking a piece of my green hair behind my pointed ear.
"A-are you sure?" I gulp, nervous.
"Yes. Now, come here and kiss me."
I am nervous, palms sweaty with saltwater, but I lean over, making sure my tail was wrapped around his legs, and kiss him.
He doesn't taste like other mermen do. Like saltwater and sweet seaweed. No, he tasted human. Of spices, and flowers.
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, and it makes my tail curl up. I continue to kiss hi


I continue typing ferociously, lost in the world of my chaotic mind. It was a common thing for people to judge me by my exterior. Weirdly, I had a doll-like exterior, made of sweet smiles and a little nose. But my mind swirled. With dirty things, controversial things. I was always arguing, ready to debate. Sometimes I picked fights for the fun of it.

Yeah, I am one messed up b!tch.

But in front of my parents, I stay classy. Elegant. Chill.

I bite my lip as I re-read what I'm writing, when suddenly a voice, smooth as silk, annoying as a fvcking bee, cuts through.

"What the fvck are you doing?" Lucas snaps at me from his bed opposite mine.

"Doing the same thing you're doing." I say, keeping my eyes on my laptop.

"It sounds like you're writing your whole fvcking life story on that. Can you shut the fvck up?" He rolls his eyes.

"Make me, Lucas." I huff, continuing on with my story.

He glares at me, suddenly standing up. "I am not doing this."

I snort out a laugh. "Really? And where are you going to go?"

"Interrupt the fvcking lovebirds that did this to us." He stands, walking to the door.

And before I can stop him, he's left.


godddd i love their banterrrr
also does Spill sound familiar?

bye bye for nowwww

vote comment and follow meeee

xoxo, red <3

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