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Sarah immediately runs up to her beloved, and Reid picks her up into his arms, swinging her around, and they immediately melt into kisses, whispering and giggling.

It makes Yara scowl.

Lucas stands there, looking bored and disgusted at the same time. He spares a glance at Yara once more, and their eyes meet.

Her breath is almost knocked out of her. He was standing in the light, his light curls creating a halo over his face, his chocolaty eyes contrasting with his creamy skin. His lips turn down in distaste as he glares at her.

Don't worry, the feeling's mutual, d!ckhead.

It's ironic how he looked like an angel in the light, when as soon as his sinful lips tilt up, he transforms into the Devil himself.

Meanwhile, Reid and Sarah are all over each other, Sarah running her hands through his hair, and him tracing circles on her back. Yara huffs. It would be rude to just stand here staring. With a sigh, she walks up to the couple and Lucas, gritting her teeth as he smirks, noticing her discomfort.

Reid tears his mouth away from Sarah's. "Oh, hey Yara."

"Oh, you can talk? I thought your mouth was surgically attached to hers." Yara quips.

Sarah giggles, embarrassed. "Sorry. We've been apart for so long."

Yara deadpans. "You're so right, girl. You've been apart for two days. That is torture. Please, continue sucking each other's faces. I'll be upstairs in our room." She backs away slowly.

"No, Yara come back!" Sarah jumps away from Reid, grabbing her hand.

"What?" Yara winces, snatching her hand away from Sarah's.

"Just stay."

"While you suck your boyfriend's pretty face off? No, thanks." Yara glances at Reid, who's been mostly silent.

"Wow, the amazing Yara thinks I'm pretty. Thank you, your highness." He bows.

Yara senses Lucas rolling his eyes. "Shut the fvck up, Reid." She says, barely looking at him.

"You're quiet." She narrows her eyes at Lucas.

"I'm sorry, do I need to explain my every move to you, princess?" He glares down at her.

"No. Just pointing out the obvious." She glares back.

"Well, then thank you for being Captain fvcking Obvious." He rolls his eyes again.

"The pleasure is all mine, Finnegan." She snaps back.

Sarah gulps, looking between them. "Okay, this was a bad idea. Before you kill each other, let's go, Moore." She grabs Yara's arm and leads her back to the suitcases by the elevator.

They get into the elevator and Sarah blows one more kiss to Reid. Yara leans against the back of the lift, arms crossed, as she studies Lucas.

She doesn't miss the way he shakes his head slightly, agitated.

She also doesn't miss the way she sees the staff watching them, eyes wide and curious. Mia just got a front row seat of the famous Moore-Finnegan rivalry.

Enjoy it, b!tches.


Lucas lets out a breath after the two girls leave.

"Fvck, I'm going to her room tonight." Reid huffs, running a hand through his hair.

Lucas scrunches his nose. "Shut the fvck up."

"No, seriously, she's such a good fvcking kisser." Reid smiles, absentminded.

Lucas frowns. "Hey, hey, your mouth." He leans closer to Reid and points to it.

"What?" Reid draws back, touching his mouth.

"I think you're drooling." Lucas remarks, finishing the joke of sardonically.

Reid rolls his eyes. "Oh, please. Don't be jealous."

Lucas scoffs. "Why would I be jealous? Last I heard, you guys haven't even fvcked yet."

Reid glares. "Don't be that guy, Lucas."

Lucas puts his hands up. "I'm just saying."

"Whatever, let's go. Duncan and Paxton's in the food court."

"Oh, goody." Lucas mutters, walking with Reid towards their friends.

~~~ later that night ~~~

Yara sits on her single bed. She takes a sip of her matcha Starbucks that she got again and continues typing. She loved writing and creating stories, and because her mind was so chaotic and not innocent, this was her place to vent.

It was a blog she created called Spill. It was where anybody could spill their deepest, darkest secrets and desires. They would ask her to write things, and she would oblige. For only ten bucks, she could write any dirty, twisted fantasy you had. It was her own little secret, anonymous business.

It was a side hobby of hers, and she loved it so much. She hid it from everybody, though, except Sarah.

Sarah walks into the bedroom from the bathroom. "Don't tell me you're writing more!"

"I can't help it, Sarah. So many people have questions and secrets. It's addicting."

"I bet it is."

It was crazy how it had blown up, since Yara herself hadn't had that much experience. Sure, she had slept with a few guys, but she had never done all the k!nky sh!t that everybody else is doing.

She got questions on being tied up, how to choke someone correctly, where to buy condoms. She got paid to write stories on professor and student role-plays, on mermaid and werewolf sh!t. It was weird, definitely, but she laughed her way though it.

She craved the silly drama. In her life, everything was so serious, so superficial. This was her break from the real world, where she could just be a horny motherfvcker and answer people's questions. It always made her laugh, and Sarah knew how good it was for her.

Yara stops typing and looks up from her laptop. She studies Sarah. Her blue eyes and light brown hair. Her pale skin and pink cheeks. Pinker than usual.

"What is it?" Yara asks hesitantly. "What do you want? You have that look on your face."

"Well, you know how I told you about Reid and I?"

"Yeah..." She frowns, predicting what was coming next.

"We kind of want to... do it... tonight." She blushes and looks down.

Yara raises her brows. "Okay...?" She could see where this was going. "And what would you like me to do about it?"

She gulps and looks down and up, everybody but Yara's eyes.

"I need you to swap rooms with him."

Yara's mouth drops open. "Excuse me?"

"I know, I'm sorry, but please! One night and then it's back to normal."

"Well, is he rooming with someone? Or does he have a one-person room?"

"He's staying with Duncan."

"Oh, then fine. You didn't have to ask." Yara smiles. "Tell me all the details. I hope it's worth your bestie suffering."

"It will be." Sarah's smile wavers.


how dare you Sarah :(((

she betrayed Yara tho fr

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xoxo, red <3

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