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He thrusts his fingers inside it and after taking them out, he licks his fingers clean. He huffs out a heated breath and groans.

"Fvck, we need more chips." Lucas chucks the can of Pringles behind him into the backseat. Paxton catches it, looks into the empty container and scoffs, throwing it back at Lucas in the passenger seat.

"Stop throwing that, or I'm going to swerve lanes." The designated driver, Reid, fluffs his hair nervously.

"Good. I'd rather die than have no chips." Duncan whines from the seat next to Paxton.

"Shut up, the three of you. I need someone to search up the nearest gas station. We need juice." Reid taps the steering wheel.

"Juicy juice. Juicy, juicy, juice." Duncan chants from behind Reid.

"Oh, yeah. We should totally get some Juicy Fruit." Paxton grins, his rosy skin lit in the car light.

Duncan and Paxton start singing Juicy Fruit, and Lucas rolls his hazel eyes. "I thought we were meant to be important heirs of important businesses going to an important camp." 

"Who cares? We are Juicy Fruit lovers at heart." Duncan puts a sincere hand on his chest, a pout playing upon his lips.

"No, you are idiots at heart." Reid scoffs, his dyed pink hair flopping as he runs another hand through it. "I'd rather be with Sarah right now."

Everybody rolls their eyes. "Oh my God, Reid. We get it, okay. You like your girlfriend, and your girlfriend likes you. You don't need to keep whining about it." Duncan huffs.

Lucas feels his heart grow stony. Sarah was Yara's best friend. He knows that Reid didn't care about how much he hates Yara. Reid would continue dating the best friend, and they were very much in love.

Duncan notices Lucas getting icy, because he laughs, slightly nervous. No one liked getting Lucas mad. He had a slight habit of throwing fists, and his father, to his mother's obvious disgust, had to get him out of many situations. 

"Once you take over the company, we cannot afford to have you act up like this!" Felicia had shouted at her son. 

Greg had sat coolly in his study, ignoring his son and wife as usual. 

Lucas had just scoffed. "Please, Mother. This is not even close to me acting up."

Felicia's mouth drops open and closed like a fish. "Lucas, there were two girls in your bed! And you beat a guy at the bar! Broke his nose! That's not acting up?"

Lucas grins. "At least it wasn't a foursome. That would have been hectic, wouldn't it?" 

Felicia fumbles for words, flustered at her boisterous son. "J-just go to your room! You're grounded for a week." She calls as Lucas swaggers up to his room.

The short memory fades as he frowns slightly. Duncan gulps and looks away. "What?" Lucas snaps.

"Nothing. We just know about... she who should not be named." Duncan pales.

Lucas sighs, running a hand through his light blonde hair. "Guys, I won't kill you for talking about her."

Paxton snorts. "Sure you won't."

Lucas tilts his head. "You guys think I'm that bothered by her?"

The car goes silent as Reid nods next to him. Duncan and Paxton join in hesitantly, nodding in confused silence, as if they weren't sure they should join Reid.

Lucas rolls his eyes. "She's just annoying. I don't care if you talk about her. Hell, Reid, your girlfriend's best friend is Yara. It's really fine. I don't give a sh!t."

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