Chapter 1

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"Said goodbye, turned around

And you were gone, gone, gone

Faded into the setting sun,

Slipped away

But I won't cry

Cause I know I'll never be lonely

For you are the stars to me,

You are the light I follow"


It was a sunny, but chilly autumn day. The leaves were every shade of red, yellow, and orange. Despite how beautiful the day was, no one paid even the slightest attention. Everyone seemed to be rushing home before it got any colder. Leaves rustled under the rushed footsteps like a young boy crunching on potato chips.

There was one boy in particular that stood out from everyone else. He wasn't rushing, if anything he was taking in and analyzing every detail of the colourful day regardless of how much time it took. Wearing only a thin long sleeve, the young boy shivered as a gust of wind sent a wave of cold over his entire body. He soon found himself at the park he used to visit as a young boy. A small smile formed onto his lips as he looked over to the monkey bars. It was always his favourite, even if he would normally end up falling off them. He adjusted his beanie, allowing only a few strands of his blonde hair to stick out, not wanting it to fly off as the wind picked up. A strange idea struck the boys head as he walked over to the bars he once loved so much. Of course there was no use in them now as he stood at 6' and could easily hit his nose on one of the metal bars. He however wasn't about to let go of his childhood just yet

Grabbing hold of one the bars, he hoisted himself up, lifting his knees so that his feet wouldn't dare touch the ground. Slowly, one by one he made his way across the short trail of bars, before being knocked off by something. No, someone. This someone now laying atop of him.

"Ouch!" They boy underneath yelped. Hurriedly, the boy on top collected himself and got up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to knock you down. I should've been paying attention, sorry." The boy said holding out a hand to the still laying boy in front of him.

"Its okay, I probably shouldn't be out in this weather anyway." He said taking the other boys' hand.

"I'm Michael."


"Do you want me to walk you home? Its not a good idea to be out alone." The seemingly older boy asked.

"But then you'd have to walk home alone." Luke chuckled. Michael shrugged.

"Good exercise?" Luke rolled his eyes to Michael's response, soon shivering like a scared chihuahua. Michael frowned, slipping his jacket off. "Here, you seem to need this more than me." He said placing it over the younger boys' shoulder.

"No, I can't what abo-"

"Don't worry mate, now cmon, let's get you home." Michael reassured.

And so they walked together, with Luke's constant pleads for Michael to take his jacket back. Its turned out Luke didn't live too far from the park.

"Home sweet home." Michael said.

"Yeah." Luke mumbled. His home wasn't technically 'sweet',

"So I'll see you around? Do you go to school?" Michael asked, receiving a nod from Luke. "How come I haven't seen you around?" Luke shrugged. He always secluded himself. "Well I'll see you, if not I'll look for you," he glanced at his watch, "but I gotta run. Bye Luke, it was nice meeting you!" He rushed as he ran off, hoping to get home before his mother had a heart attack.

"Wait!" Luke was too late. Looking at the jacket placed on him, he hid his hands with the sleeves. "You forgot your jacket." He said barely above a whisper.

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