Chapter 22.

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It was early morning the next day, Michael and Calum decided to skip school to see Luke. Luke wasn't scheduled to leave the hospital until later that afternoon, and that frustrated him. They were all currently in his room doing nothing but staring at random objects. Luke hadn't spoken to Michael since yesterday and he guessed that it was because he angered him previously. He wasn't mad though, just caught off guard he had the nerve to ask him if he was a virgin or not. He wasn't, but he wasn't ready to tell anyone why he wasn't.

"You guys should go to school or you'll be late." Luke said looking at the window. Both boys frowned and looked at him.

"No way we're leaving you alone." Calum spoke.

"I don't want you guys to miss school because you're worried about a useless boy."

"You're not, you're not useless Luke, you're not anything along those lines." Michael said, frowning as Luke didn't look at him or say anything back. He sighed, and Calum excused himself to grab food from the hospital cafeteria. "Why won't you talk to me?" No answer. "I know you didn't sleep with Bryanna if that's what you're thinking."

"Then why'd you ask if I was a virgin." Luke said turning to fully face the window.

"I actually don't know where it came from, I guess I was just curious?" Luke only nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."


It was finally time for Luke to go home and he couldn't be happier. Calum and Michael had left a few hours ago and his mum was helping him into the car. They drove home in the rainy weather. Luke didn't mind though, this was his favourite type of weather. He wasn't looking forward to the next week, seeing as he was dismissed from school for a week to get his appetite back. The only reason he would try to make an effort is because his mother walked into his room crying and saying things like "I'm such a terrible mother, you can't even come to me with your school problems." Those words kept replaying in his head, he never meant to upset anyone, but then again he wondered if people only cared because they felt bad for him. He doesn't want that, he doesn't want pity.

After what seemed like hours, they finally made it home. They grabbed their things and rushed inside, trying to avoid getting wet.

"I'm going to make dinner, sweetie. I'll call you down when it's ready okay?" His mum said, walking into the kitchen. He wanted to tell her he wasn't hungry so badly, but he knew couldn't do that. Not now. He only nodded and walked up stairs. He noticed his school bag was on his bed, he figured someone must've picked it up. He sighed and laid on his bed, feet hanging off the edge. He wondered where Ashton had gotten the idea that he had slept with Bryanna. He doesn't even like girls for that matter, but then he realised he never came out to his friends, or anyone for that matter. His dad doesn't count, he only assumed. He felt his pocket buzz, thinking he got a text. He sat up and took out his phone.

How you doing mate?

I'm fine.

You sure?


When are you coming back to school?

Next week

Michael: :'(

Don't miss me too much.

I already do.


Shut up Hemmings.

Hmm, nah.


You love me.




I have to go, my ma's calling me.

Awe okay. I'll text you tomorrow.

Bye bye.

Michael hesitated, and waited to be sure Luke was gone from his phone.

One more thing.

I love you in more ways than one.

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