Chapter 10

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Michael's POV

It's now Friday, 2 days since the incident bridge. The only person that knew about it was me, Luke begged me not to tell anyone. Since then, he's been EXTREMELY distant. Every time I see him in the hall way, he acts like I'm invisible, and when Calum and Ashton try to say something to him, he'll only give them a tight smile and keep walking. To tell the truth, I really miss him. Yeah it's only been 2 days but still. I'm fed up with it. He can't ignore me forever.

I walked to the library seeing as that's where he'd normally be. And sure enough, he was sitting at a table reading. He saw me as I approached him, and he started to grab his things and stood up. He was about to walk past me before I grabbed him by his arm.

"Luke, you can't avoid me forever."

"I could if you'd let me." He mumbled. I sighed, and then something clicked. My hand had a brain of its own and its entwined with Luke's. I could see his cheeks turn a shade of pink. Which by the way made my heart race.
"W-what are you doing?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Now cmon. Let's take a walk. I miss hearing you talk, and I wanna know why you've been ignoring me and the others." He slowly nodded and we took a walk around campus. It was both our free periods so its not like we were ditching or anything.

"So... How have you been?"



"Seriously though, that night... What made you wanna do it? You don't have to answer of course."I say looking at him. He took a long pause,

"I was fed up ya know? 17 years of my life have been complete and utter torture. My dad abuses me, none of my family knows, I've never had any friends, I get picked on every so often. And no one knows these things. No one knows how much pain I'm in. I can look like the happiset person but deep down I'm drowning in an endless sea I can't escape. That night was almost my breaking point really. The only things that were holding me back were you and my mum. But then I realized how happy you guys would be with out me and-"

I hugged him tightly as he began to lose it. I can't stand seeing him like this.

"Its okay Luke, you can stop." He only shook his head.

"No Michael, I can't stop. Its taken me 7 years to admit these things to myself and the fact that I'm admitting it to someone I've only known for a few days is only proving how crazy I am. I'm sorry you ever met me. I'm only going to cause you trouble."

"Luke, look at me." Hesitantly he looked at me with his puffy blue eyes. "You're not crazy. You're not weak. You're nothing anyone has ever called you. You're strong for making it this far. And you're not going to cause me trouble. Believe me, I feel lucky to have met such a beautiful boy." I just called him beautiful didn't I.

He nodded. I don't think he believed me, but asking he heard me. I wrapped him up in a tight hug before we started walking again.

"Hey Luke?"


"Calum, Ash and I are planning to have a sleep over. Wanna join?"

"I don't know Michael..."


"Alright I'll ask my mum. But if I die I blame you." I let out a small laugh, as did he.

But little did they realize they were still walking hand in hand.


SO THAT WAS CHAPTER 10 AYE. How was it? Sucky huh? I'm trying here guys Anyway, I wanna quickly say thank you to the people who read this story. It makes me feel great that people are actually interested in this.

Love you guys, muah xx

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