luke's suicide note.

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To whoever's reading this, please hand this note to a beautiful named Michael Clifford.

And if this is Michael, hi.

Uhm well by the time you've read this I'm probably dead. Hope you're not too bummed out about it. Let me start off by saying that this isn't anyone's fault. Please don't feel like this is your fault. Because it isn't, it's mine. I hope you're not crying. I'd hate to see you cry. If you are, here's a joke,

Are you Australian? Because I'd like to go down under.

That was horrible I'm sorry.

Please don't be sad.

Let me tell you a story.
There was a young boy around the age of 11. He came home from school one day and saw that his mother wasn't home. He shrugged it off as he saw his older brothers came running in from the kitchen, knocking over a vase as they did. His father was furious. He tried explaining that it wasn't his fault. It was no use. He knew he'd be grounded, but what didn't know was that a big hand would make its way across his small cheek. That's where it all began really.
6 years later, bruised, and cut, he goes to the park where he used to love going as a young kid. He goes to the monkey bars, only to be pushed off accidently by a stranger. The stranger's name was Michael. He was tall, handsome, and mesmerizing. His emerald eyes were like nothing he's ever seen before. He only hopes he'd think the same way about him. He walked him home that day. He even let him wear his jacket.
About 2 months later this boy was head over heels for Michael. He couldn't help it. He made him feel happy. And that's a feeling he hasn't experienced in a long time. He knew it was too good to be true, and he knew that their friendship wouldn't last. He was an outcast, shy and secluded. Michael, he was friendly and confident. He thought they were too different. And that made him sad.

See Michael? That's the story of us. We're too different to be comparable. I mean you have tons of friends, and what do I have? A razor. Pills. Don't get me wrong, you made me happy, but I was too far gone to be saved. I just hope that me being gone will make your life easier. You won't have to worry about a fucked up teenager. And when I said I fell head over heels for you, I meant it. When we kissed, it was electric. It was a feeling that made my stomach erupt in butterflies. I was hoping it wouldn't be the last time j ever felt that, but I guess things change.

Please don't be upset. This is what wanted. I promise you though, if you ever feel alone, I'll always be there. Don't you dare feel like you have no one, because no matter what I will be there. I'll hold you when you feel lonely, or sad or angry. I'll be there. Just call my name.

I love you Michael, thank you for everything.

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