Chapter 7

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Michael's POV

It's Tuesday. And I'm at school. I regret waking up this morning. Laying my head down on the school table, I heard two pairs of footsteps walk up to me. I propped my head up to see Calum and Ashton. They took a seat across from me, well Calum didn't. He sat on the table.

"Be civil Calum sit on a chair not a table where might well eat off of." Ashton said, only receiving an eye roll from Calum.

"God you ruin everything." Calum said pouting and sitting next to Ashton. We all laughed, but almost immediately shut up as we all saw Luke walking past is. With a black eye.

"Luke!" I call out to him, and he turned to face us. I motioned for him to join us, and obviously he was hesitant, but he came around and walked over to us. He took a seat next to me smiling slightly at the boys sitting across us.

"What happened to your eye mate?" Calum asked.

"I uh was playing baseball with my brothers and the ball hit me in the face." He was lying. I knew it, and Ashton knew it. Not Calum though, he's... long story short me and Calum come from a good home and Ashton, well he used to live the life Luke does. Had Luke not told me, I would've been just as clueless as Calum. I looked over at Ashton, who gave Luke an empathetic look. While Calum gave him a sympathetic smile. Me, well I just wrapped a hand around his shoulder.

"Well, Michael, Ashton and I were going to play FIFA after school, wanna join?" Calum asked. Luke smiled brightly and nodded.

"And who in their right mind said I was playing?" Ashron asked fairly surprised.

"Me, duh." Calum said. We all just laughed as Ashton beat him with his books.

By the time lunch rolled around, I was out of it. I was tired and angry and I just needed to eat and calm my nerves. All day the only thing I could think about was getting back at Luke's dad. It's obvious that he wasn't playing baseball. Luke doesn't seemike the type to be sporty, and plus he was unsure of what he was saying. It was cute in a way... No Michael. No. Sighing, I sat down and grabbed my lunch. I was the first one at the tables before I saw Calum walking with Luke. I couldn't help but smile. Two of my favorite people are getting along. Did I just call Luke one of my favourites? Yes I did.

"Hey Lukey." I say. He threw his notebook at me.

"Don't call me that." He pouted. Calum and I found ourselves laughing, as Ashton was soon joining us.

"Sorry I am late, had to return a book to the library." He said.

"Nerd." Calum said in between coughs.

"Really, what's 10+9?"

"19. What's bitch+bitch, bitch."

"That's not even an insult. And don't swear!" Ashton said hitting Calum on the head with, wait for it, his books. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I noticed Luke didn't have a lunch, and I frowned. Did he not eat lunch?

"You want my cookie Luke? It's peanut butter again." I ask scooting it over to him.

"Y-, No, I'm not hungry." He said shaking his head.

"I know you want it." I say teasingly. He rolled his eyes.

"Give me the damn cookie." He said and we all laughed.


IDK GUYS THIS IS MY FIRST AUTHORS NOTE. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS SO FAR? This chapter was sort of a filler, but ya know it happens. Love you xxx

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