Chapter 26.

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Michael had kept his promise. He went to visit Luke first thing the next morning. He got a ride from Ashton since Calum always slept in. The car ride was awkward and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The pair were silent up until they walked through the doors of the hospital. They walked down the hall to Luke's room which Michael had remembered the day before.

"Do you want to go in first? You didn't get to see him yesterday." Michael said, finally breaking the silence.

"N-no you go on ahead. I still have to think about what to tell him." Ashton said giving him a warm smile and walking to the waiting room. Michael took a deep breath and quietly walked into the small room. Luke popped his head up as the door shut.

"Good morning." He mumbled.

"Morning." Michael said smiling and taking a seat next to his bed. "How do you feel?"


"Did you sleep last night?" Luke shook his head.

"The beepy thing was too loud." Michael chuckled and kissed his temple. Luke took his hand and intertwined their fingers, allowing a pink blush to form on his cheeks. Michael smiled, only turning a few shades redder than the blonde. "Why are you here so early?"

"Because I couldn't wait to see you, and Ashton wanted to talk to you."

"He's here?"

"Well he's in the waiting room." Luke nodded. "He's really sorry you know."

"He shouldn't be. I did this to myself, not him." Michael frowned and stroked Luke's hand. He looked up to see his face, it was pale, like all the life had been drained out of him. His eyes went from a bright ocean blue to a dull grey. His cheeks were sunken and hollow. His lips were dry and a pale pink. If anyone were to look at him they'd think he was dying. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." Michael said after several seconds. Curly haired Ashton walked in with a small bag.

"I brought some breakfast, I figured you'd be hungry." He says softly. "I'll uh leave it here." He set the bag down by Michael's chair. "Calum said he's on his way over by the way." He mumbles before walking back out.

"He looks so sad." Luke frowns.

"He thinks this is his fault." Michael states. Luke shakes his head and sighs. Michael reached into the bag of food and took a look at all that was in there. "Muffin, egg and ham sandwich, iced coffee, water. Which do you want?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Luke you haven't eaten since yesterday morning how are you not hungry?" Luke dropped his gaze to the floor. "Will you please eat just a little bit?" He hesitated but nodded. He was handed the muffin and water, knowing that giving him heavy foods might make him feel ill. He sat up in the bed and began nibbling on his food.

By the time Luke was half way done with the muffin, Michael was chugging down the coffee.

"We know who was hungry." Luke chuckled.

"Leave me alone meanie." Michael said. The pair laughed and Michael picked up the trash and placed it back in the bag. "I should probably let the others see you. I've been hogging you."

"I like being hogged." It was silent before they erupted in laughter once more. Once they'd calmed down, Michael went out to let Calum and Ashton see him. Luke was startled as Calum bursted through the door.

"LUKEY!" He exclaims, running over to him and engulfing him in a hug. Luke laughed and hugged back. "How do you feel? Are you okay? Is this pillow too hard? Do you want to fluff it? Oh you look so tired, lay down. You need to-"

"Calum I'm fine!" Luke laughs.

"Are you sure? Because if these doctors and nurses are treating you bad I can get them fired, I know people."

"I'm sure." He says smiling, but it quickly fades as he sees Ashton standing by the door. "I don't get a hug from Ashton?" He says pouting. Ashton couldn't help but crack a smile. He walked over to the boys and gave Luke a small hug.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Luke smiles reassuringly.

"Look Luke, I-I'm really really sorry this happened. I'm sorry I treated you horribly, this is all my fault and you have every right to hate me." Luke didn't say anything but pull Ashton back into a hug. "You, you don't hate me?"

"Of course not. We all make mistakes."

"Well what am I, a potato? I feel left out." Calum said throwing his hands up the air.

"C'mere Mr. Potato." Luke said and the three shared a long hug.

After another half hour, Ashton and Calum went back to school. They'd missed two classes, but they didn't want to be gone whole day. Michael however had gotten permission to miss the rest of the week. He was currently chatting with Liz about the situation with Ashton. She was obviously not happy about it.

"How could he think Luke would do that? I mean he's said over and over since he was little boy that he would not sleep with a girl until he was married." Then Michael realized that Luke hadn't told her that was gay. Or bisexual at least. He decided not to tell her since he thinks its better it comes out of Luke's mouth.


Okay so yeah this chapter sucked I'm sorry. I have a plan though and I'm actually really excited about it. I hope you guys like it too! There will be two endings. The official ending and the alternate ending, BUT there will be a sequel so I won't leave you guys hanging.

So yeah bai! I love you all so much.

-e xx

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