Chapter 5

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Michael's POV

"Wait what about you." I shrugged.

"I ride without it sometimes. Don't worry about me." I said, more like lied. I've actually never ridden without it, but Luke seemed worried so I had to reassure him in some way.

"But its yours, and your the one driving. Is that what its called or motorcycling? Any way please just take it." He rambled as I chuckled.

"You seem scared so you should take it." I replied simply, smirking as his cheeks turned a shade pinker."

"I'm not scared!"

"Then hand me the helmet." Instead of handing it to me, be put it on and huffed in defeat.

"Whatever can we just go?" I laughed getting on. He seemed unsure still, but hesitantly he hopped on behind me. I tensed as he wrapped around me. "Oh sorry I didn-"

"No its okay, just hold on tight okay?" I mentally slapped myself.

Why did you make him feel even more uncomfortable.

Sighing to myself I started my way for home. I had other plans however. My thoughts left me as I felt a small pressure on my back. I smiled to myself as I realized Luke had rested his head on my back. I felt my cheeks warm up, but soon tried to shake it off as we were nearing my house.

What is this boy doing to you Michael.

I pulled up to the drive way and put the bike's pedestal down. I frowned slightly as Luke withdrew his head and his hands from my body. Wow cause that didn't sound weird at all.

"Home sweet home! And see, neither of us got hurt." I said chuckling. I got off to help Luke off, but he shooed me away saying he wasn't a 'child'. He handed me my helmet as I lead him up to the door. Once we were inside my mother of course greeted us.

"Oh Michael dear who is this?" She asked.

"Mum this is Luke." I said.

"N-nice to meet you Mrs. Clifford."

"Oh sweetie call me Karen, Mrs. Clifford makes me feel old."

"Well..." I started.

"Watch it Michael." She said as I tried not to laugh. "Would you boys like a snack?"

"Yes please I'm starving!" I said rubbing my stomach. I smiled hearing Luke giggle. I lead him up to my room, chuckling as he looked around. We walked in as my dog jumped up and down like he normally did. I was taken in shock as I felt Luke jump onto my back, letting out a silent scream. "What you've never seen a dog?" I ask laughing.

"Of course I have, I'm just scared of big ones." I couldn't help but burst out laughing, but I tried to stop knowing Luke was probably serious.

"He won't hurt you. C'mere boy!" I said as he hopped off the bed and ran over to us. I felt Luke clinging on to me for dear life. "Luke, this is Milo. Milo this is Luke." Milo was a fairly large husky, but acted like he was still a puppy. "C'mon you, get off." I said setting him on the ground. Milo started sniffing him and practically begged to be petted.

"He won't bite?" I shook my head smiling. Luke kneeled down and softly started scratching Milo's head, laughing as he recieved a long lick to the face. "Ewww." I laughed as I sat on the bed.

"You can take off your coat mate." I said as I slipped mine off, revealing the many tattoos I had gotten since I turned 18. So 5 months ago. He slipped his off and turned to face me. My eyes mentally widened as I saw his arms. He looked at me with physically widened eyes.

"You have a lot of tattoos."

"You have a lot of scars Luke..."

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