Chapter 20.

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It's been a week since Luke had brought the three boys over to his house, and Ashton hasn't spoken or even acknowledged them since.

Calum and Luke were walking to the cafeteria, talking about their previous classes. Luke walked inside while Calum stayed back to grab something from the outside vending machine.

"Well, hello who's this?" He heard a soft voice behind him. He looked over his shoulder and immediately regretted it.

"Can I help you Bryanna?"

"Actually yes you can."

"Well sorry to say, but your have to wait. Food's calling my name." Calum said grabbing his snacks.

"Cut it out! I just wanna know why you don't like me. Ashton-"

"Doesn't know shit. Okay? Look just drop this, drop everything. You may be a part of Ashton's life but you will not be a part of mine." Calum snapped, about to walk in.

"I'm not the bad guy here you know."

"Yeah how's that?"

"You'll see." She smirked and walked off to meet her awaiting boyfriend. Calum rolled his eyes and met up with Luke.

"Have you seen Michael?" He asks, sighing as Luke shook his head. He slid over a bag of chips to the blonde as he noticed he hasn't any food.

"No its your food I'm fine." Luke smiled and handed it back to him. Lately Luke hasn't been eating much. A few snacks here and there but that was it, and he had gotten thinner. In his eyes he only saw fat, which convinced himself that not eating would help. In reality, he was killing himself without knowing it.

"Luke!" He snapped his head to see an angry Ashton stomping over to the pair. Calum immediately got up to push him back.

"Hey hey hey calm down." He said standing in front of a frightened Luke.

"Shut up." Ashton said pushing past him and grabbing Luke by the collar of his shirt. Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes locked on the three boys.

"Ashton what the fuck are you doing." Calum said, but Ashton ignored him.

"You slept with Bryanna didn't you bitch? She's pregnant with your baby. I trusted you, Luke. But your just a fucking whore like half of the school."

"W-what I didn't-"

"Are you a virgin?" Ashton said with stern eyes. Scoffing as Luke lowered his head. "Pathetic." By now Luke had tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'd beat your ass here and now but that wouldn't teach you shit. Just let the guilt sink in Luke. It'll destroy you."

"Hey! Let go of him!" Ashton was pulled off of Luke and thrown onto the ground. "Touch him again and I promise you it'll be the last." Ashton scrambled to his feet and locked eyes with Luke once more.

"This isn't over." He finished and walked back out. Luke's breathing had become rugged and heavy. His vision began to blur, his head spun.



This is a short chapter because I wanted to leave it a cliffhanger, I'm really sorry.


Proud American 26•6•2015

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