Chapter 23.

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The past week had been hard for Luke. He was forced, forced himself, to eat more than he would've liked. He had to do it. He thought he had to look normal and not completely fucked up. He'd talk to Michael every night over the phone, and that was the only thing keeping him happy in hell he put himself in. Today would be his firsy day back at school, and saying he was terrified was an understatement. He was scared of how Ashton would look at him, how other people would think of him.

"The whole school probably hates me." He muttered to himself, getting out of his bed. Rubbing his eyes he made his way to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face. Regardless of him eating enough to keep him healthy, he looked pale, and empty. It wasn't the new to him. His once bright blue eyes were now dulled to a faded gray. Sighing, he walked back to his room and removed himself of his pajamas. He grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and and Green Day T-shirt. He was about to slip his jeans on when the door flew open.

"Hey Lu- FUCK IM SO SORRY." And just like that, the door was flung shut. A flushed Luke stood in the middle of his room and quickly put his clothes on, hearing a soft knock on the door.

"C-come in." He says shyly. Red head Michael slowly stepped inside.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know." He says, receiving a nod from Luke. "Can't say you didn't look hot though." Michael shrugged.

"I-I uh." Luke stumbled through his words as his cheeks turned a bright red. "Why are you here?"

"To take you to school. I called your mum this morning and she said it was fine. Luke nodded again. "Are you ready?" Another nod. Luke grabbed his book bag and followed Michael out to his bike. He was handed a helmet and climbed behind Michael, wrapping his arms around his torso. They arrived at school, and Michael placed a hand around Luke, frowning as he tensed.

"Relax, you'll be fine." He whispered in Luke's ear. The blonde nodded and they walked through the gates of the school. Luke hung his head low, knowing he was receiving silent glares from everyone they passed. After what seemed like an hours of walking, they made it to their normal morning spot, being greeted by Calum.

"Morning, how are you Luke?" He asks as they sit across from them. Luke shrugged and continued to look down. Both older boys frowned, Michael pulling him closer to his side. And that's when it all went wrong.

Ashton approached them, hand around Bryanna's waist.

"Hemmings." He spoke menacingly.

"Piss off Ashton." Michael stated coldly.

"Sorry Michael, I wasn't talking to you. So Luke anything you'd like to say?" He asks raising an eyebrow. Luke felt so small. He wanted to cry, but he wouldn't. He couldn't.

"I-I didn't do a-anything." He spoke, voice cracking.

"Yeah? How about you look me in the eyes and say that again." He didn't. He only looked down. He wanted to. He wanted to look him in the yes and tell him straight, Bryanna is lying. I didn't do shit.

"Why are you denying it Luke? You knew I didn't want to, but you ma-" Bryanna was cut off by Calum yanking her away from Ashton.

"Listen here Ashton, and listen well. You and I both know your slutty princess is lying. You know damn well Luke would never do something like that." Calum says, backing Ashton up to the wall.

"Why are you defending him Calum? And stop calling her a slut! Why do you hate her? Why do you hate that we're together? What has she ever done to y-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH." Michael roars, standing from his seating spot. Both boys turn to see him fuming. "Why isn't you two can't go without ripping each others throats out? And why in hell would you believe that Luke would've done such a thing to one of his friends? Ashton what has gotten into you?" Ashton scoffed and walled back over to Bryanna.

"This isn't over dipshits." He says, leading them both to the other side of school. Calum sighed, gripping his hair. Michael only shook his head and looked back over to Luke. He was just sitting there. No expression in his face whatsoever. He was still looking down, inhaling deep breaths. The pair walked back to him, thinking he needed someone their with him. But they were wrong.

On the outside, he seemed emotionless, but on the inside, he was begging to be gone.


Hey guys so sorry for not updating sooner, I've been dealing with some things. There's only a few more chapter and then the epilogue and then this story will be done! I don't plan on making a sequel, mainly because my other book Pieces is going to be a long book and I want to focus on that full time after I finish this.

I'm actually curious as to how many people actually have this in their library. Comment if you do! I'd like to know!

Well that's it for now, I'll update again soon. I love you guys! Xx


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