Chapter 29.

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A/N I know I said the last chapter would be the last, but I added that chapter to sorta prep you for this one. This can be triggering if you've lost a loved one.


Michael stirred awake. Eyebrows furrowed together as he heard the rapid beeping again. Only this time he wasn't asleep. His heart began beating rapidly as he turned to see boy he thought to be sleeping. He looked at the heart monitor. It was racing. He was racing.



His breathing became heavy with panic as he ran out of the room to get someone. Anyone. He found a nurse and a doctor going through some papers. He tried to speak, but his body wouldn't let him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he tried to say something. The pair in front of him were saying things he couldn't process.

"M-my friend. H-he, the b-beeping. H-he's dying." He finally said through sobs.

They hurried back to Luke's room, not expecting to be someone to be waiting by the door.

It was Calum.

He had come back to pick Michael up and take him home, not knowing about the situation.

The doctor immediately got to work on Luke while the nurse tried to have Michael leave the room. He couldn't.

He was thrashing against Calum holding him back. Kicking, pushing, but no sound.

He couldn't open his mouth. But that didn't stop him. A few male nurses came by to pull Michael away from the scene, but no matter how much they tried to reason with him, he would only fight harder. Calum still holding him, whispering things to calm him down, but it was no use. The only thing processing through his ears were the rapid beeps coming from the room he wouldn't dare leave willingly. He caught glances of Luke. Body bolting up every time a shock was delivered to his chest.

"C'mon Luke." He would hear the doctor mutter.

He was still silent, unable to make a sound. Tears fell freely down his cheeks. He could feel his shoulder become damp from Calum's tears as he begged Michael to stop fighting.

The beeps stopped.

As did Michael's effort. 

The doctor let out a sad sigh. Knowing it would be no use trying to send shocks into the lifeless body.

That's when Michael lost it.

His silence was broken as he let out a strangled cry.

He screamed.

He screamed out Luke's name as he fell to ground. Calum following holding him as tight as he possibly could. None of the nurses said anything, neither did they try to escort Michael out. The doctor walked away from Luke's bedside and slowly walked over to the pair sitting on the floor.

"I'm very, very sorry." He speaks, before walking out of the room with the rest of the nurses. Calum loosened his hold on him as he stood up and walked up to the pale, lifeless boy he just couldn't admit he loved. He kissed his cold cheeks, forehead, shoulder, and finally his lips.

"I'm so sorry Luke."


That's the end of Marks.

I've had such a great time writing this, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading. I plan on starting the sequel on Tuesday.

Two more parts will be updated tonight, Luke's suicide note and the alternate ending.

Thank you guys for everything.

All the love,

Evie xx

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