Chapter 24

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Warning: Trigger. If you wish to not read this, wait until the next chapter.

The school day was nearing to the end and Luke was itching to go home, well his wrists were. He glanced at the clock ever 10 seconds until it finally rang. He grabbed his things and hurried out, making his way home. He didn't want to talk to Michael or Calum, he just wanted to be alone. All day he'd receive disgusted glares, vile names, and a few punches here and there. He couldn't believe that people would actually think he'd sleep with one of his friends' girlfriend. He's not even straight.

His phone had been vibrating the whole time he was walking, he knew it had to be Michael. He couldn't face him, not now. Not ever. He didn't want to continue being the reason Michael, Calum and Ashton weren't friends anymore.

This is all your fault. Why didn't you avoid Michael like you did with everyone else. You wouldn't have fucked up his life. Heck, if you weren't born, you wouldn't have fucked up your family's life. He thought to himself. He blinked back tears as he finally arrived to the hell he called home. He walked inside, taking in the small yet providing house. Sighing, he walked up to the stairs. He walked into the restroom and locked it, but no one was set to be home for another hour. He dropped his book bag on the counter, and gribbed the edge of it. All he's been holding back was finally being let loose. He let out a strangled sob and ran his hands through his messy hair. Tears fell freely down his cheeks and to the tiled floor. He reached up to the cabinets and found his razor under a bottle of pain killers. He slid down the wall and slipped his bracelets off. He placed the blade on to the pale skin on his wrist, swiping it once.

He felt nothing.

He continued to abuse his skin until the floor was stained red by the cuts he'd made.

"Why can't I feel anything? Why can't I feel the pain. I deserve the pain." He silently sobbed. His body was numb, he didn't want to be. His phone buzzed continuously until he finally decided to pick it up.

"Luke, Luke I'm so sorry. Michael, he finally got through to me. God I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry! I've treated you so horribly. He told me everything. Even Bryanna confessed. Luke I-"

"A-Ashton, c-calm down. Its okay."

"No its not!" Luke couldn't helped but let out a sob. "Luke you're crying. See its not okay, I did this to you didn't I?!"

"I'm fine. D-dont worry about me. J-just, Ashton I'm sorry. If I h-hadn't interfered with your relationship, none of this mess would be happening. Its my fault. Its my own stupid fault. I shouldn't have even met you or Michael or Calum. I've messed your friendship up don't you see? This is all my fault, Ashton! You every right to hate me. I hate me too. That's why I'll make sure I'm not around to mess anything up anymore. I'll never bother you or Calum or Michael, but just know that I love you guys. I never meant for any of this mess to happen."

"Luke, Luke what are you on about? Luke don't do anything stupid. Answ-"

Luke hung up the phone, bringing his knees to his chest and sobbed quietly. After he'd calmed down enough to stand up, he grabbed the bottled of painkillers and dumped the pills out. A perfect hand full. He grabbed his folded piece of paper out of his bag and unfolded it, placing it on the countertop. He slid back down the wall and took one last big breath before shoving the pills in his mouth and swallowing them.


Ashton was frantically trying to dial Michael's number. His hand were shaking and it was surprising he hadn't dropped it yet. Finally calling Michael's phone, he waited a few rings that felt like hours before someone picked up.


"Michael i-its Ashton. L-Luke he, he"

"Ashton slow down what's going on?"

"I think Luke's going to kill himself." The phone line went dead.

Michael was calling Calum, explaining what Ashton had told him. He'd asked him to call Luke's mum, and so he did. He quickly ran out of his house and raced his way to Luke's house, also calling 000. He'd ran about a mile and half before finally arriving and Luke's house. Calum had pulled up in his car only seconds later. Michael turned the knob, not expecting it to be open, but he rushed inside.


"Luke where are you?!"

The pair called out to him, checking every possible room downstairs before racing upstairs. Michael noticed the bathroom light under the closed door. He layed on his stomach, peeking under the small opening before panicking at the sight of a hand covered in blood. He stood on his feet and frantically banged on the door.

"LUKE!" He repeated, trying his best to open the locked door. Calum stood at the end of the hallway, sobbing as he watched the scene. He was frozen in place in disbelief. He wouldn't dare believe this was actually happening. After ramming his body several times at the door, it finally opened. The sound of sirens echoed through the open front door. Michael almost passed out at the sight in front of him. He clenched his mouth as he cried out to the pale, unconscious blonde layed in front of him. He quickly picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom. He was met by paramedics, Ashton, and Luke's mum. The paramedics had to pry Luke out of his arms, not wanting to let him go. Liz was screaming as she watched her son get placed in the ambulance. She rode off with them, leaving the three boys sobbing as they tried to get it through their heads that one of their good friends could be dead.


So, as I said, there will only be a few chapters left. I have two ending sorted out, but I don't know which to choose yet. One will require a sequel, the other not so much. So I'll let you guys decide.

Do you want a cliffhanging ending + a sequel or a resolved ending with no sequel? Let me know!

And I'm sorry if this was depressing. I sort of took it from a life expireince. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Love you guys.

-e xx

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