Chapter 25.

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A/N: 500 views holy crap thank you SO much xx
Michael's head was spinning. He held the note Luke had placed on the sink. He held it close to him, as if it were the only thing keeping him from collapsing then and there. He was sat in between his two friends, not enjoying the eerie silence of the hospital waiting room. There was the soft sound of sniffling from the three boys and Luke's mother. Luke had lost a lot of blood while on top of the that overdosing. The doctors said his chance of making would were less than 30%.

The four had been waiting for 2 hours. Just wanting to hear something about Luke, anything to give them hope. It was then that Calum became impatient and sat up from his seat.

"I'm grabbing some coffee." He mumbles, not to anyone in particular.

"I'll come with you." Ashton whispered and followed Calum to the hospital cafeteria. They walked in silence, tension growing. Every step forward felt like they were taking two steps back. After what felt like ages, they walked through the doors of the cafeteria. Each grabbing a snack and a drink, though they both didn't feel like eating. They sat at a small table, sat in silence. Calum heard Ashton mutter something under his breath, normally he would dismiss it, but in a time like this he thinks its important to know things.

"What was that?" He asks.

"This is all my fault. I'm the reason he did this Calum. God I'm so stupid!" He almost yells.

"No its not-"

"Yes it is! I was a dick to him! I was a dick to everyone oh my god." He says, getting up out of his chair.

"Ashton calm down!"

"I can't!" He sobbed. Calum was gals they were the only ones in the room, besides the cooks. He lead Ashton outside in hopes of not causing a scene. He had a firm arms wrapped around the older boys shoulder as he softly cried.

"You're fine Ashton." He cooed.

"But Luke's not Calum!" He frowned.

"He will be."

"How are you so sure?"

"I was right about Bryanna wasn't I?" By now Ashton was furious.

"Don't you da-"

"She has just enough blame for this Ashton don't YOU dare say she's innocent." Ashton's expression soon softened, realizing that she too was the reason for this.

"I just don't know by you have so many things against her! I mean she's sweet and kind and I'm sure she didn't want things to get like this!"



"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND SHE TOOK YOU AWAY FROM ME!" Calum's face went pale as he realized what had come out of his mouth. "I uhm I I'm sorry I don't just I'm sorry." He rambles before walking back towards the hospital doors. He was stopped by Ashton grabbing his wrist and pulling him back. His eyes fell to the floor.

"Calum look at me." Ashton said, lifting Calum's chin with his finger. Calum's eyes wandered before finally setting on Ashton's hazel ones. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Because you guys started dating before I ever got the chance to."

"We haven't been dating that long you know right?"

"But you've been together since June, you didn't make it official till last month." Calum says as his eyes wander back to the ground. He was only expecting the worst now. He didn't expect a pair of soft lips to connect with his. His eyes bulged open before realizing what was happening.

Ashton was kissing him.

He melted into the kiss, letting a single tear escape from his eyes. They pulled away after a few seconds and softly laughed.


"Mrs. Hemmings?" The doctor asks.

"Yes that's me." Liz says standing up along with Michael.

"Luke's doing well for now. He seems stable. You can go see him if you'd like."

"F-for now what do you mean for now?" Michael asks.

"He's lost a lot of blood. We don't know if he'll need a blood transfer yet." Michael nodded and looked at Liz. They both walked to Luke's room and Michael insisted she go in alone. He waited for about 15 minutes before she walked back out. She had years running down her cheeks no matter how much she tried wiping them away. She gave him a warm smile and walked back to the waiting room. Michael inhaled a sharp breath before walking. He was in tears as he layed eyes on the younger boy. He was hooked up to machines and wires and so many things. He sat by his bed and stroked his cold, pale cheek.

"Oh Luke..." He whispered to himself before finally losing it again. He layed his head on the bed and clutched the folded piece of paper tighter. He looked up to see his left hand covered in badages. He ran his finger along the soft fabric and shut his eyes tight. Hot tears flowed down his cheeks, he didn't care to hold them back anymore. The sight alone would make anyone break. He looked at his face. It was pale, almost lifeless. He didn't want to believe that the boy could very well die over night. He wouldn't let that happen. He held his cold hand in his, rubbing it ever so gently.

He was drifting off to sleep when he felt a small pressure on his hand. He looked up to see a pair of dull blue eyes. He sat up in the chair immediately and wondered if he was dreaming is not. "Luke?" The blonde slowly nodded. Michael wrapped his arms around the frail boy.
"I was so scared. Ashton called me and told me that you were going to do this. Then I saw you were in the bathroom but the door was locked so I had to knock it down... Oh my god I need to pay to fix that I'm so sorry I-"

"Shh." Luke cooed. "I'm okay." He said barely above a whisper. Michael sighed happily and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"You scared me."

"I'm sorry." Luke says, squeezing Michael's hand a little tighter. There was a small knock on the door before an nurse walked in.

"I'm sorry sir, visiting hours are over." Had it been that long? Michael had been with Luke for 3 hours but to him it felt like 3 minutes. He slowly nodded and kissed Luke's forehead once more before getting out of his seat and walking to the door.

"I'll come back tomorrow okay?" He says before he leaves the room. He receives a small nod and he smiles before walking out and shutting the door behind him.




Marks || Muke AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora