Chapter 17.

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Michael was too in shock to realize his ex had walked up to them.

"So this is the whore you left me for Michael?" She asks, glaring at a frightened Luke.

"I didn't leave you for anyone Janette." Michael said, standing in front of Luke.

"Hmm how pathetic. Little guy can't protect himself can he?" She said with a slight smirk.

"What's your problem?" Michael asked.

"What's my problem? My problem is you Clifford. We were together for 2 years and then you go out and tell me 'Hey Janette, y'know I'm kinda gay. We need to break up.' " She said with raised eyebrows.

"That's not what happen-"

"Then what did happen hmm? Fuck you Michael. Fuck you." She said pushing past the pair. Michael sighed and turned back to Luke.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen."

"I've been called worse, its okay." Luke said with a reassuring smile. Michael would've smile back had it not been for the fact that Luke has been called worse things. "I'm fine don't worry, let's just get back home?" Michael nodded and lead Luke out, with a hand loosly around his waist. They rode back to Luke's house, and Michael was about to head back out to his own house but Luke begged him to stay longer. They made their way up to Luke's room and both collapsed on his bed. Michael turned his head to see Luke face down on the mattress. He laughed and Luke propped his head up.

"I'm tired leave me alone." Luke said smiling.

"I have something that'll wake you up." Michael said.

"What's that?" Luke said nervously as Michael took his phone out. He helped Luke off the bed and stood him in the middle of the room, while playing a song on his phone. He danced his way over to Luke while mouthing the beginning words of the song.

"Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me. I said 'your holding back.' She said 'Shut up and dance with me.' This woman is my destiny. She said ooh,"

"Shut up and dance with me!" Luke sang at the top of his lungs.

They danced, sang, and laughed throughout the whole song. This was the first time Luke was actually happy, and he didn't want it to end.
Once the song had ended, and their laughs had died down, they layed by each other on the white carpeted floor.



"Was that your first?"

"Was what my first?"


A dark shade of pink erupted onto Luke's cheeks.

"Of course not." Luke scoffed.

"Your mum doesn't count sweetheart." Michael smirked as hr heard Luke huff.

"Okay yes."

"That was pretty good for a first, hope you know that." Michael said glancing over at the blonde.

"T-thanks I guess." Luke said staring at the ceiling.

"Maybe we could go for your second?"

"Don't get cocky Clifford." Luke said turning to face the red head. He found himself staring at his lips, which so perfectly matched his hair colour. He took in a sharp breath, connecting their lips and gently rested his hands on his jaw. Michael wrapped an arm around Luke's waist, softly moving him over so he was straddling him. The kiss was soft, but nothing less of meaningful. Luke pulled away, a splash of red staining his cheeks. Michael placed his palm on Luke's cheeks, gently caressing the blushed skin. He reached up to kiss his forehead, nose, and ending on his lips. He noticed Luke's eyes become red and watery. Frowning, he sat up along with the boy on top of him.

"What's wrong Luke?" He asked, moving his hands to his waist. Luke only shook his head, trying not to let the tears flow.

"I-it's just, I've never experienced something like this."

"Like what?"

"Affection. Gentleness. Emotion. I-I've grown up to know fear, and pain. That's it." Michael frowned as Luke finally began to cry. He held him close, rock him side to side.

"Hey, you're okay. You, are beautiful."

It didn't take long for Luke to drift off, do Michael picked him up and layer him on his bed. Kissing his forehead one last time, he grabbed his things and made his way home.

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