Chapter 17: A Family Sticks Together

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The moment we arrived at Air Temple Island, Mako picked Korra up into his arms and rushed to find mom. There was a bit of chatter heard in the kitchen before rushed footsteps made their way to the bedrooms.

I heard Asami give a little scoff as we walked inside, greeted by an entirely empty kitchen. Bolin nudged my arm.

"You think they'll be okay?"

"Who?" I mumbled.

Bolin snuck a glance at Asami as his voice dropped down to a whispter, "Asami and Mako." A puff of air passed through my nose.

"Bolin, don't get your hopes up."

I strolled into the kitchen, reaching for the steamer lid. Opening it, I was greeted by a fresh new batch of sweet buns.

"Come on," I said, turning to Asami and Bolin, "It's been a long day. How about some tea and snacks?"

"But we haven't even had dinner." Bolin said.

"You really think that's the biggest concern here?" I was already actively putting sweet buns on a plate. "Asami, here." I handed Asami the plate. "I'll get some water heated up. Bolin, tea's on the top shelf up there."

I could feel Asami's gaze on me as I procured a ceramic teapot from the lower cupboards, setting it on the stove. Once filling it with water, with a flick of my hand, a blue flame burst from underneath the pot. I hummed a little, watching the water grow warm.

"It's blue."

I looked up from the teapot. "Hm?"

Asami nodded her head towards the flames. "They're blue. I mean, I know you said it in your speech, but I'm a little surprised at how blue they are."

"Oh." I looked down at them, watching as the tips of them started to turn orange, then red. "Yea."

The water was near boiling now. I took it off the stove, setting it down on a wooden tray. I glanced back at Asami. She was still staring at the stove. "Hey," I said, quietly thanking Bolin for getting the tea leaves. "We can talk if you want." Asami blinked, bringing herself out of her thoughts.

"Sorry," she said, "I got distracted."

"No problem," I nudged her, gesturing at the plate of sweet buns in her hands. "I got the tea ready, you two, follow me."

We entered my bedroom. I figured it was the most private room I could offer to Asami. I set down the food and tea on the floor, handing Asami and Bolin a pillow to sit on. Asami eyed another pillow I reached out for.

"Mako isn't coming, you know that, right?" Her voice was a little annoyed.

I arched an eyebrow, dropping the pillow next to her and sitting down on it. "I know," I said, watching as her face turned slightly red.

"Sorry." Asami said, slowly taking the tea in my outstretched hand. "I'm just..."

"I know." I handed Bolin his cup. He was a bit preoccupied with two sweet buns, but I knew he was listening. I also knew he was going to keep his mouth shut this entire time. "I'm sorry that we didn't tell you sooner."

Asami sipped her tea, "It's not your fault," she said bitterly, "He should've told me."

"He should've," I agreed with her, "But I guess... we could've told you too." I handed Asami a sweet bun. She nibbled on the outer part of it, eyes still downcast.

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