Chapter 24: Civil Wars and Civil Relationships

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Kudo nervously walked in. In all his years as a blacksmith, never did he think he would wind up here, in the Fire Nation Palace. He came from humble beginnings and expected to end in the same humble background. But to be summoned by the Fire Lord –no, it was just "Lord" now, his daughter was Fire Lord –what an honor!

Kudo followed an attendant to a large room. It looked to be a very large office space. To his surprise, instead of the old Lord Zuko, a young woman was waiting for him sitting in a chair.

"The blacksmith is here, My Lady." Said the attendant.

Kudo's eyes widened, as the woman stood up. She was beautiful. Brilliant, bright golden eyes, long silky black hair, and fair skin, smooth and unblemished. She graced him with a gentle smile.

"Mr. Kudo, am I correct?" Kudo blinked. Her voice was familiar.

"Y-Yes." He stammered, realizing who this was. "M-my lady, G-great dragon-"

"Please, Mr. Kudo, Lady Kira will be enough."

Kudo nodded. "Lady Kira," he said, "It is such an honor to be meeting with you." Kira smiled again and gestured for him to take a seat.

"Please, It is my honor to meet you." As Kudo sat down, she spoke, "I am in desperate need of your help."

~~~ Yuki ~~~

After all the visitors left Senna and Tonraq's home, I was finally able to attempt to take a nap. I was unsuccessful, of course, and eventually sat up in my bed, completely disgruntled.

"Stupid. Fricken. Head. Ache." I gentle hit my forehead with the palm of my hand, not really helping my situation. As I stood up, I steadied myself. I'll cry the day the world stops spinning every time I get up. I felt my stomach grumble and wandered into the kitchen. Senna and Tonraq were nowhere to be found.

I reached up and felt my own forehead. I clicked my tongue. Everything felt way too warm for me, I couldn't even tell if I had a fever anywhere.

"Is this what surpassing your limits means?" I mused to myself, pushing open the tent flap. To my surprise, a Northern soldier approached me.

"Can I help you?" I asked as he studied my face.

"Are you Yuki?"

"I am." I folded my arms, "Who's asking?"

The soldier held up a small piece of parchment and read off of it. "Tribe Prince Desna has requested your presence for dinner at a restaurant of their choosing."

I felt myself lean against the doorway. "What?"

"If you require assistance while traveling, he has prepared a rickshaw to take you there," the soldier read. I peered over to the left. Sure enough, there was a rather fancy rickshaw waiting for its expected passenger.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Well, yes." the soldier glanced out at the setting sun, "Dinner is soon."

I frowned at the grumble my stomach made and rubbed at my temples again. "I really should have gone with dad and the others." I mumbled to myself. "Think of the relaxing time you could've had, taking boring lessons about Air Nomad history from dad and eating snacks all day. But nooo, Yuki had to go help people that didn't even want help!"

I straightened up and nodded at the soldier, "I'll... accept the invitation." I pointed at the rickshaw, "But I'd rather collapse on the streets and die if you make me get on that thing."

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