Chapter 38: The Metal Tides Are Moving

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It was late at night when the group set their plan in action. The news of Zaheer's escape was still fresh in everyone's mind, but they had to focus on the task ahead.

Quickly, they arrived at the Earth Queen's Temple. Jinora was sent out to act as a distraction.

"Hey!" shouted one of them, "What are you doing here?" Jinora waved, pretending to act innocent.

"Oh," said the other guard, "It's just the little airbender girl that came with the Avatar." He gently addressed Jinora, "You shouldn't be here alone."

Jinora shook her head, pointing behind the guards, "Actually, I'm not." Before the guards could turn around fully, Yuki and Mako advanced, effectively knocking them out. They were soon tied up, dragged to the shadows as to not cause any immediate panic. The temple was easy to enter from there.

Tenzin turned to the others once they were inside.

"Bumi, Yuki and Korra, come with me to find the airbenders." He pointed to Bolin, Jinora and Mako, "You three, find Kai. We'll meet on the surface shortly. Radio us if anything goes wrong." Everyone nodded, running off in their separate groups.

Yuki ran with Korra through the dark hallways. Their footsteps echoed; the temple seemingly empty besides the two guards outside.

After a few more corners, Korra opened one door, revealing a row of prison cells.

"This must be it," Yuki murmured. Korra ran to the first cell, wrenching it open. Inside were several airbenders.

"What's going on?" asked one of them, "Who are you?"

"I'm the Avatar." Korra said, "And I'm getting you all out of here." The prisoners exchanged looks murmuring to themselves.

Tenzin said impatiently, "Everyone, please! You must stay calm and quiet if we want this to work."

"What to work?" Asked another airbender. "We're sneaking out?"

Korra said, "Yes, and we must leave now."

"We're going to get you away from the Earth Queen and out of the city." Tenzin explained. Luckily, the airbenders understood. Everyone stood up, running out in a single file line with the others. One of them paused, turning to Tenzin,

"There's an airbender that's not here. His name is Kai. We need to get him."

"We've got in under control." Yuki said to him, patting his back. "Now, let's go."

Everyone filed out of the cells. Yuki and Korra checked the other cells for more airbenders, letting them follow Tenzin and Bumi out. Yuki walked further down the hallway; she felt her skin prickle in a strange way. The hallway sounded empty, only rushed footsteps trickling through her ears, mixed with something else.

Someone was whispering.

A hoarse, raspy wailing. Yuki took another step forward. The end of the hallway was dark, vacant, dead, but Yuki felt there was something there. She shivered, eyes wide.

"Yume," Yuki murmured, "Who-?"

"YUKI!" Yuki jumped, feeling Korra's hand wrap around her arm, "What are you doing?"

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