Merger Deals

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Author's Note: Okay, I just wanted to address something real quick. A lot of you have been saying that Samantha is kinda immature and that she's stupid and all of that. Understandable. But you have to understand this is entirely character development. Also— could you imagine the situation she's in? She's dating someone, someone she loves a lot. But, suddenly, this new person is in her life. Someone who's new and exciting and she has an intense attraction to. I just really need you guys to consider this and how it's probably affecting her and her feelings. She's going to be irrational because that's how she, as a person, is going to handle it. She's going to jump to conclusions because she's a young girl, you're telling me you've never done the same? Thanks for everyone's understanding— I just don't really want to see more comments on it. Love you guys xx.

Also— this chapter is purposely short, so no comments about the length please.

Harry Styles

Work was painful. And slow. And boring. Although work wasn't always that fun, today was especially horrible. I couldn't quite put my finger on why. But right now, it was hell.

"Mr. Styles," Alexandria's sultry voice called out into my office, interrupting my focus on information on the new Payne investment. Since his visit to my office, we'd been talking back and forth. Him wondering when my investment will be official and me wondering why he was so persistent. Investments like this had to be done correctly and slowly, especially when a sum of money as big as I was investing was involved.

"Yes," I snapped, looking up from the papers. My headache was horrible and I was in no mood for her capers.

"You've been getting calls all morning regarding your relationship with that blonde woman," she said, her voice filled with distaste. "Shall I pass them onto you, or Tess in PR."

"What do you think?" I growled, rolling my eyes. She knew exactly where to send them, she was simply looking for an excuse to talk to me. Or, in her case, flirt with me endlessly until I reject her.

"I'll send them over to Tess," she said, crossing her long tan legs. "Mr. Styles, I understand if it's too personal, but are you really involved with that Samantha girl?"

"You're right it is too personal. But, for your information, she is an employee. I refuse to be 'with' employees. Does that answer your question?" I rasped, irritated to even be discussing Samantha. She was a migraine in herself, and I wasn't interested in furthering my headache.

"Yes, Mr. Styles," she said, bowing her head and stalking out. For once she looked defeated as she walked out. Part of me felt guilty for being so rude. But the other was happy to get her out of my hair. I wasn't in the mood to deal with a frisky assistant.

My phone rang as I wrote down another large sum onto an important piece of paper. My life had turned into a lot of large numbers and important papers.

"Styles," I barked, curious as to who the secretary would call in. She had strict instructions as to who was allowed and who wasn't. What drove my curiosity even farther was the fact that someone who was calling didn't have my cellphone number.

" 'ey 'arry!' the loud, Irish voice boomed. "Sorry to call you on the main telephone, but I lost my cellphone and I wasn't quite sure as to what your number was."

"Hello Niall," I sighed, prepared for the obnoxious personality and the loud voice that was about to consume me. Only Niall, one of the richest men in the world, would lose his phone.

"I'll just cut to the chase, as you're quite the busy man, eh?"

"Yes, indeed," I muttered, rubbing my face and pinching the bridge of my nose. A habit I had picked up since starting this business.

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