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— Hi, Ava, how are you, my darling?-Ender asked her goddaughter.
— Im good, how are you? Have you seen uncle Kaya, are you going to get married again?-The child asked just out of curiosity, not knowing how much she'll hurt her beloved godmother. Ender took a deep breath.
— No, sweetheart, as you know I already have a husband.
— But you are supposed to be with uncle Kaya, otherwise you won't have a happy ever after... Every princess has a happy ever after.
— Ava, you know how much I love you, but you have to stop with this... Sometimes people just fall out of love.
— But, I remember when you were telling me stories about fairytales and you said that he was your fairytale...
— He was, but now there is someone else...
— Dogan... I know... But one day, you will marry uncle Kaya again and then you'll live happily ever after...
— That's not going to happen, Ava!- Ender said nervously, but trying not to shout to the child, Ava was always close to Ender and Ender loved her so much, but she was a girl who believed in fairytales too much... Ender didn't believe in this kind of things, not after Kaya.
— We'll see, bye, auntie Ender, talk to you soon.
— Bye, darling, I love you!
— I love you too!
Ender hung up the phone and said to herself:
— I would never let Kaya break my heart again, life is short and he wasted all of his chances of being part of my life.

After work, Ender got home, she was nervous and tired, Dogan noticed something was wrong and went to take her coat.
— Ender, what's wrong? You look terrible...-Ender raised her eyebrow when she turned around to face him.
— You look absolutely beautiful, but something's wrong... like you saw a ghost. What is it?
— Nothing... Thank you for calling me beautiful.-Ender said with a smile
— Tell me what happened, please!
— Ava doesn't like you...
— Ava doesn't know me and you weren't disturbed about this the last time... what else?
— Kaya is back...
— Kaya? The love of your life-Kaya?
— He is not the love of my life, he's a heartbreaker and a backstabber!
— Did you saw him?
— No...
— Well then everything's fine, you don't love him...
— I hate him-Ender interrupted him
— You have a husband and amazing friends... what's some ex to you?
— You're right, thank you, I needed that-Ender smiled to him
— Always, now go get changed, Im taking you to dinner.

They arrived at Ender's favourite restaurant, Dogan reached out for her hand and was telling Ender about his day. He was wearing a costume and a white t-shirt, as always, Ender was wearing a purple sleeveless dress and a white coat, they walked in the restaurant holding hands. They were heading to their table and Ender was talking about her day and she was finally calming down when Dogan saw Kaya looking right at them with burning eyes.

— Ender?
She froze again
— Hello, I'm Dogan, Ender's husband... and you are...
— Kaya, I am...
— Yigit's father-Dogan interrupted him-It's a pleasure to meet you.
— Yes, you too, Ender... long time no see...- Dogan caressed her back when he noticed how off she was.
— Yes, Kaya... hi, I didn't know you were back...
— Really? Linda didn't told you?
— She mentioned you were coming back...
— Hmm, Ava told me you knew and I thought...-Kaya saw hate in Ender's eyes and noticed that when Dogan saw how her hands were shaking he squeezed the one he was holding and caressed the other. When Kaya saw that he was burning with jealousy, but he understood that Ender was calming down.-Doesn't matter, nice to meet you Dogan and to see you Ender, have a great night- And he turned around and walked back to his table. He was filled with jealousy and he wanted to punch Dogan in the face and to break his nose and to rip open his neck... but he was comforting Ender, and Kaya was making her sad and afraid... and even angry...

While walking to their table, Ender rested her head on Dogan's shoulder and whispered to him: Thank you, I needed that.
— Did you saw how helpful he was?
— I did, but it doesn't matter, I'm married to you and as I already told you... I hate him.

And they wet again... what do you think of this chapter, guys... ❤️

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