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Kaya and Ender were in the couch, watching the scary movie Ender chose. It was The shining, which was an old movie with a lot of jump scares, Ender was scared to death, but she was fighting with her fear, because she didn't wanted to jump in Kaya's arms. He on the other hand was fully aware of how scared Ender was and he have watched this movie so many times that he knew where the jump scares were so he was patiently waiting for Ender to jump in his arms, luckily the most scary part of the movie was coming where Jack was about to chase Danny trough the maze, so he smiled a little counting how many seconds will take for Ender to admit that she's scared.
And he started counting when Ender screamed and closed her eyes. Kaya put the movie on pause and laughed as he went closer to her.
— A minute... Impressive, Ender hanim, very impressive.-He said as he cupped her face in him arms-Open your eyes, baby, it's fine...
— Stop calling me baby!-She said with a trembling voice.  Emder was huddled in the corner of the sofa, hugging her knees and with tightly closed eyes.
— Open your eyes, it's okay... I am here, a promise...-He put his arm on her knee and hugged her tightly.
— I'm sorry... It's just... a terrible movie.
— The movie is great, you just hate jump scares-he caressed her back-Come on, let's pick something else to watch...
— No... can we just go to sleep?
— We can, but are you sure?
— Yes... oh and what are you doing tomorrow since it's the weekend?
— I was planning on taking my girlfriend... fake girlfriend to a restaurant... so Dogan and Yildiz could see us... what do you think?
— Great, I would love that... for Dogan and Yildiz to see us, not the date with you.
— Yeah, sure... that's the point... for Dogan and Yildiz could see us.-Kaya said with a smile
— Good night, Kaya-Ender said as she got up from the couch.
— Night, Ender...

They both went to sleep, but Ender was so scared she even had nightmares, thankfully Kaya was thoughtful and he had made an alarm to go check up on her and as the alarm rang and he went to see her he found her, breathing heavily and shaking.
— Oh God-he said as he ran to her-Ender-he was trying to wake her up-Ender, it's okay, baby, wake up, you're having a bad dream... come on, wake up... Ender!
— Kaya!-she hugged him-Oh God, I am so sorry, but I was having a terrible dream and...
— Shhh-he interesting her-It's okay, I will turn the lights on and I will go get some water and a peace of chocolate for my brave girl, then I will lay right next to you and I will stay here so you won't be scared, okay?
— Okay...
— Okay.
Five minutes later Kaya found Ender asleep again, her breathing wasn't normal and she was slightly shaking, but it was way better than before, he put the glass of water on her nightstand and laid next to her, he carefully put her had on his chest and started singing to her the lullaby she used to sing to Ava. Ender woke up in the middle of the song, but didn't get any signs she was awake, because she wanted to hear the rest of the song, but she fell asleep again after Kaya kissed her hair when he sand the last line of the chorus, which was "always remember, dilly dilly, how much i love you".

The next morning Kaya woke up first and went to make coffee. When Ender went downstairs she avoided him as much as possible.
— Good morning, Ender!
— Morning-She said as she smiled without looking at his eyes-Thanks for the coffe.
— Are you okay?
— Yes...
— Are you sure?
— Yes.
— Okayy, umm I have to go meet a colleague of mine in an hour and it will probably take us two hours to finish our work so you have three hours and a half... I will call you when I leave so I could pick you up and we go to that favourite restaurant of yours.
— You really want to show off to Dogan, don't you, Kaya?-Ender asked him with a teasing smile on.
— Of course I want to show off, I want him to understand that I won the game he started and that he should be very thankful that I didn't beat him...
— Haha, okay, Kaya bey, I will be ready.
— Okay...-Kaya said as he clinked his cup with hers.
— Okay.-she smiled and went upstairs.

What do you think about this part, should I continue with the fluff or should I bring the drama back?

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