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It was a Sunday morning, cold outside, but cozy in Kaya's house. He woke up first and made breakfast and coffee for both of them.
— Kaya? It smells so good what are you making?
— Pancakes.-he smiled as he flipped the pancake. Ender applauded him and he turned to face her.-Good morning, Ender hanim! Here is your coffee, black and sweet just like you-He winked at her as he put her cup on the table and pulled out a chair so she could sit down-Now you have to wait five more minutes for the pancakes. How do you want them? With cheese?
— Yess, you know me so well!
— Since day one, baby!-Ender smiled-Oh my God, Ender hanim, are you that sleepy?!
— What?
— You forgot to say "Stop calling me baby" with your cute angry face!
— Yeah, I know... do you want to hear it?
— Well you like to tease me and like to be teased from you... but you already knew that.
— Yes, I know.
— So I am allowed to call you baby?
— Only if you want to.-Ender sais with a teasing smile.
— Well isn't it a lovely morning today!-he smiled as he pit the pancakes on the table. Ender giggled and took a pancake to her plate.
— This is so delicious, ohhh i love when you cook for me... I missed that...
— Me cooking for you?-he smirked
— Not just that... I missed simple gestures, I missed someone to show me love... I missed to be loved...
— Well-he said as he reached for her hand-I am here now... And I love you so very much, but...-He smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear-I will say my "I love you" speech when we stop the teasing game.
— You mean when I win?
— Oh, I already lost... multiple times, but I will give you the win when I finally give up to my desire to kiss you!
— So we wait?
— We wait...-Kaya smirked at her.-By the way...  did you tell Caner about us?
— Yes, I told him we are dating.
— Dating, dating, not fake dating?
— Yes, dating-dating...
— Nice... And what about our biggest shipper?
— I told Linda that we were fake dating, but Ava doesn't know anything... We will tell her when I win the game.-she smiled.
— Deal! What do you want to do today? Do we just stay home... it's cold outside.
— It is, but I want to go somewhere...
— What about we go out to the mall... You need cozy clothes that will keep you warm...
— Why are you so concerned about my clothes?-Ender asked with a smile.
— Because you never ware clothes that are warm enough, you get sick easily and you hate when you're sick...
— Okay, we could go to the mall to do a Kaya upgrade on my closet...
— Wonderful! Then we will get home to drop the things we bought and we'll go to have dinner...
— Deal.-She smiled to him and he smiled back.

Later at the mall.
— Kaya, this is probably the 20th sweater I've tried on... can you stop giving me more?!
— This is the 28th and no, you will try everything you liked, I will not buy you only 17teen sweaters you need at least 25!
— Oh my God, you are crazy!
— Come on, baby, try these on and then we'll search for some coats...
— This is torture!-Ender made a puppy eyes face while she was holding probably 10 sweaters. Kaya smiled at her and quickly took a picture of her.
— Oh I so did!! Look how cute you are!
— I hate you!
— No, you don't, go try the sweaters on please!
She then closed herself in the fitting room and smiled so big that she couldn't even deny it anymore. She was so falling for Kaya, but she was also going to win this little game they were playing so she put her hand on her stomach and said to herself  "fly down, little butterflies"
Kaya on the other side of the wall smiled too and said to himself  "hold still a little longer, Kaya, only two more days".
Half an hour later, they were back home, putting everything in Ender's side of the closet.
— So where are we going for dinner?
— It's a surprise, Ender!
— I hate surprises...
— You like my surprises...
— Well, I don't like this one!
— Well-he closed the closet and turned to face her, he took her hands in his and smiled-You will have to wait!

Some time later they walked inside a new restaurant and Ender was clearly loving the place. They sat down and they ordered, but Kaya's phone rang and he went outside for a couple of minutes. Ender was waiting for the food, looking at her phone when someone sat in Kaya's place.
— What so you want, Engin?
— Hello, Ender, you are following me I see... Are you seriously that much attracted to me?
— Oh please, go get a life, Engin... and by the way, I suggest you leave this table, before Kaya comes... I am saying this for your own good...
— You will see me again!-Engin frowned and left the table. Just two minutes later Kaya came back with a little box in his hand.
— Ender hanim, I got you something...-he gave her the box-This is a black diamond, for your beautiful neck only...
— It's so pretty, Kaya, thank you! Can you put it on me?
— With pleasure!-Kaya said as he put on Ender's necklace and ran his fingers over her bare back.  She wore a beautiful navy blue dress with a bare back.  Kaya felt her skin shiver under his touch and smiled.

What do you think of the part? Its fluff for now, but just wait for the drama ;)

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