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— Ender, you're not eating enough... again. What is going on?
— Nothing I just... I feel bad. Like they were humiliating me back there... And thank you bu the way... Messing his name was a good move and what you said about Dogan trying to keep the conversation was good too.
— No need to thank me, I did this for both of us. I just couldn't stand the look on Engin's face... Like he thought you were needy for him and this stupid idiot Dogan... don't even get me started.
— Well, Engin kind of rejected me...
— He did what?-Kaya dropped his fork-Bruhhh, how is that even possible?! I am a simp for you, trying to make you mine again and there is this old, ugly man with poor yellow fence instead of teeth who dears to reject you... Dumbass... fucking idiot!
— A poor yellow fence instead of teeth?-Ender giggled.
— Have you seen them? I mean you have, but...-Kaya's eyes opened wildly-Wait! Have you kissed this man?! Because if you have, I'm gonna be needing a whole week to kiss your whole body and erase not only one, but two awful and disgusting mouths who have deared to kiss you.
— Relax-Ender smiled again-I haven't kissed him...
— Well thank god!
— So you will be kissing my whole body to erase Dogan's kisses?
— Isn't that obvious?!-she giggled again.- And by the way, I saw what you did... distracting me from the subject of you not eating enough won't make it go away... Now, can you please eat your food... Please...
— Kaya...
— I will so puppy eyes!-He interrupted her
— Okay, okay... I am not back on the not eating phase though-Ender started to eat her food-I just don't eat when I am nervous...
— I know-Kaya tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.-And I hate that... By the way... Engin is looking at us for the seventh time as we arrived... This man is annoying!
— He is looking at us?
— Yes... constantly... Bruhhh I want to male his eye black....
— No!-Ender said in a serious tone
— I was just kidding...
— Were you?-Ender raised her left eyebrow and Kaya laughed. Someone's phone rang.
— Ohh, I will take this outside-Ender said with a smile.
— Okay, I will order desert.-Kaya said as he watched her taking the jacket he bought for her and walking to the door. Je smiled as he remembered how big Ender's smile was when he gave it to her... She was forgotten what a simple surprise is and what hurts Kaya the most was that Ender definitely forgot all the ways to say "i love you"... Because no one have said I love you to her since Kaya himself.
Ender was outside for a while and Kaya just had noticed Engin was not in his seat either, Kaya frowned, clenched his fist and walked to the door thinking about all the bad things he would do to Engin if he made Ender feel bad.
Meanwhile Engin had come from behind Ender and looked her up and down.
— So you have a boyfriend?
— Excuse me?!
— Well I am happy for you, Ender... He does kinda looks like me though... are you sure this is a coincidence?-Engin asked as he reached for her hand.
— Engin, please... I have known Kaya since I was 16teen... go to your wife and leave me alone!
— Ender hanim.-Engin got her hand in his-If you need me that much I can make you feel good... I can make you feel pleasure!
— You are crossing a line, get away from me!-Ender said trying to free het hand.
— Don't be mad... save this energy for later-Engin said as he let go of her hand.
— Leave me alone!-Ender said trying to hold back her tears... Engin opened his mouth to talk but someone hit him in the face... Kaya hit him in the face.
— What the fuck man?! You broke my nose!-Engin said as he turned to face Kaya, who walked to Ender and stand next to her with his protective hand on her waist.
— That's what you get when you're trying to mess up with my girl!
— What is wrong with you?!
— Nothing is wrong with me, but if you try to look at her again... Not talk to her, not touch her, if you look at her again I will wipe the floor with you! Have I made myself clear?!
— Yes, go all protective on your girlfriend, but remember she wanted me first!
— Do you want a matching black eye with this broken nose, because I could make it happen, Emir!
— My name is Engin!
— Do I look like I care?!-Kaya came a little closer to him-Get your band of losers and leave!-Engin frowned and tried to face Ender, but Kaya stood right in front of her.-You're really looking for a fight, huh?!- Kaya said.  Engin bowed his head and returned to the restaurant.  Ender and Kaya watched him walk in when Ender turned to Kaya and said:
— Thank you!
— It's okay, baby!-He caressed her cheek-What did he say to you?
— How much have you heard?
— That he could give you pleasure...-Kaya frowned and Ender laughed at him.
— He said you look like him and he asked me if it's a coincidence.
— I look like him?! How come?! Ohhh I should have gave him that black eye... Can I punch him again? Please?
— No!
— But...
— Kaya, I said no!
— Fine...-he smiled-Heyyy, Am I seeing tears in your eyes?!
— No...
— Ender?!
— Kind of...-He hugged her and whispered in her ear that it's okay.
— Come on, let's eat dessert, I ordered us strawberry cake-he took her hand and when they headed to door Engin, Zeynep, Dogan and Yildiz were leaving. Engin's head was down, Zeynep and Yildiz were looking at Kaya and Dogan was looking at Ender.-You need something, Dogan bey?-Kaya asked and he scarred Dogan.
— No... um have a nice day.-Dogan said looking away
— Thank you!-Kaya said as he and Ender went inside the building.
— So strawberry cake?
— Your favourite-he said and he kissed her hair.

They went home, and were sitting in the couch, Kaya was reading a book about some ancient cultures and was reading a love novel. They were still playing the teasing game and no one had given up. It was both exhausting and funny, but it seemed like they couldn't hold their feelings anymore.
— Thank you for not bossing me in front of Engin...-Kaya said.-We made a scene back there... a pretty good one.
— We did indeed... thank you for being there for me!
— I will always be there for you... I promised you I will be and you know ai don't break promises.
— Messing his name again was funny...
— Yeah, you said you liked it so I used it again...
— Did you saw how his head was down when they walked out of the restaurant... And how Dogan looked away from me... You scared them both.-Ender smiled
— Well-Kaya tucked a piece of hair behind her ear-I meant what I said... If they try to look at my girl again, I will...
— Wipe the floor with them?
— Yes... and than I'll do worse-he smiled.-You look beautiful...
— You are so random!
— You are so beautiful!
— Thank you...-she smiled shyly
— You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen, baby!
— Stop calling me baby!-She said with a teasing smile
— I refuse to stop... And what is wrong with it... you are my baby, the purest, the most precious, perfect and sweetest thing in my life-He wiped a tear from her face away-You are my baby! Do you understand?-Ender nodded and Kaya smiled.-Let's watch a movie?
— I don't want to... I wanna finish my book!
— What is it about?
— Two people falling in love with each other all over again after they lost their memories in a car crash...
— Would you rather lost the memories of us?
— No! You?
— Never!-he smiled-Okay, read your book, I will go get you some tea, okay?
— Okay...
— Okay.

Ans they're holding still... What fo you think about this part?

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