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— Good morning, love!-Kaya caressed Ender's hair.
— Morning...-she said as she kissed his lips.
— So... Today is New Year's Eve.... Are you ready to party?
— Oh, I so am!-she laughed
— Hahahah and I am so kissing you at midnight.
— Yes, you are!-she sat on the little sofa in their room.-What are we doing today, Kaya bey?
— Morning sex, breakfast, after breakfast sex, quick dealing with the Engin problem, before preparation sex and then preparation.
— We won't have enough time, Kaya-Ender laughed.
— You are right... maybe we can skip the Engin problem.-They both laughed.-Now really, we have to eat, then we have to deal with the Engin problem and then prepare for the evening! I want us to be the fire couple... i am planning on posting us on instagram.
— Really?
— Yes-he kissed her lips.-my girl deserves to be post.

— You look amazing, Ender!-he couldn't take his eyes off her-And you are all mine!
— I love you!-she said as she kissed him.-Now let's rock this party.
— Ender hanim, wait!
— What?-she looked at him and he kissed her hard on the lips.-Kaya, I love you too, but we don't have time for this!
— I want you forever!
— I want you forever too! Now let's go!
— Wait! Let's take a mirror pic!
— Oh God-Ender said as Kaya pulled her towards him and hugged her with both his hands, she wrapped her hands with his as he made a heart with his fingers and took some pictures.- We are like 16 year olds!
— Shhh! We are super cute, love! Now, let's go.

At the restaurant, their friends were already waiting for them. Little Ava went to hug them.
— Auntie Ender, you are really pretty!
— Thanks, darling-Ender hugged the girl while Kaya was taking pictures of them. Ender noticed this and smiled at it. It was always the small things waking her loved and happy.
— Heyy, love birds! How are you?
— Amazing, Lyn!- Kaya said as he placed his hand on Ender's back-You two are matching with Ava... How cute?!
— Hahah... Well, that's how it is with two girls, bro... I wish you the same!-Drew said to Kaya
— Yes, I will be very happy if you have a baby girl!-Ava said
— Well... If it's meant to be-Ender smiled at them.

They ate and had a lot of fun. Everything was going amazing it was almost midnight. Kaya was taking pictures of him and Ender, only Ender and pictures featuring Ender all the time and she was a little annoyed.

— Kaya?
— Yes, love?
— Why are you taking so much pictures of me?
— Because you are gorgeous and amazing and cute and attached and hot... and I am your proud boyfriend, who's planning to post all the pictures from tonight on instagram.
— Aha...
— oh Ender, stop!-Linda said-It's adorable... let him be!
— Yes, Ender, that's very cute!-Drew also interfered.
— Yes, auntie Ender, don't be rude, uncle Kaya is showing you how much he loves you!
— See?!-Proud Kaya looked at Ender
— Okay, okay... and I thought you were the lawyer, Kaya...
They all laughed. After another ten minutes it was the time to count down and welcome the New Year. Drew hugged his wife and took his child up. Kaya placed Ender between his arms and wrapped them tight around her. As they started counting down he whispered in her ear:
Our New Year will start with a special surprise.
Happy New Year!-everyone was screaming. Kaya kissed Ender and went to the stage. The whole restaurant was silent.
— Happy New Year to everyone! I am here to do something very special for the only person I have ever truly loved... Ender, this is for you, baby!-Kaya raised his hand and Ender's favourite song started. He sang every word of it on karaoke, Ender was crying as she went to the stage to hug and kiss him when the song ended.
— I love you so much!
— I love you too, baby!
They went to their friends again. They were all smiling.
— I took adorable pictures of you guys.-Drew said as he show them a pic of Ender smiling at Kaya with tears in her eyes, a pic of them hugging and one of them kissing.-I will send them to you!
When Kaya received the pictures he immediately made his post.
"My New Year resolution is to make Ender my wife! Happy New Year!"

hi guys!! i am so sorry for making you wait so much, but i had a writing block and due to that and not logging in i lost my account for a week. anyway, i am back! do you like this part?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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