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Ender and Dogan were having dinner, alone, and it was weird, but in the same time exciting. They were both starting to fall in love with one another and all of the feelings were hitting each  one of them making them feel something new and promising, but the truth was whatever they had, it was so new and unknown to them, it seemed to them so fragile and tender, as if at any moment it would break and all the budding love between them would go away. Especially to Ender. She was happy and fully aware of how Dogan was making her feel, but she was also trying to be careful with this new feeling and she was even scared... Ender was scared to fall in love again, because she still remembers well how it feels when you loose that love... and there was something else, something bigger, something that was buried deep inside her... She wasn't sure if she could give her heart to Dogan, because her heart was still belonging to Kaya. No matter how hard she was trying to deny this, the first person she was thinking of when she felt alone or sad was Kaya. She could never change that, because Kaya was the love of her life.
Ender was off again, lost in her thoughts and Dogan noticed that and smiled at her.
— Ender?
— Hmm?
— Why are you so quiet and lost again? I thought we worked things out today... What's wrong?
— Nothing... I was just... thinking.-she answered with a small smile.
— Am I that bad at kissing?- He asked trying to make her laugh, but she looked at him surprised so he added-I'm sorry, am I allowed to kiss you... Are you mad because I did that... I thought the feeling was mutual and...
— Oh no-Ender interrupted him- You are a great kisser and the feeling is mutual... I am just thinking about tomorrow, that's all.
— Well-Dogan couldn't hold his smile-Tomorrow-He said as he stood up and walked towards Ender-You and I-he knelt down infront of her, took her hand in his and looked her in the eyes with a smile-Are going to hold hands, hug and kiss and be adorable together, you are going to be beautiful as always and I even allow you, no not allow, I want you to choose something for me so my costume could match your dress or whatever you decide to wear...-He bit his lower lip, stood up and smiled to her, she also got up and he put both of their hand behind her waist, which reminded her of Kaya even more, but she successfully hid this-And we are going to smile all night and talk about how happy we are, and then when we go back home-he looked her up and down, then found their eyes again and smiled.
— Then what?-Ender asked with a smile on
— No, no, no, Ender hanim, you'll have to wait for it.
— Aham... whatever you say, Dogan bey-she smiled again.

The next day at the event in Murad's holding.

— Ender, Dogan, hello-Yildiz said to them
— Hi-they responded-Where is the happy family?-Ender asked
— Oh Zeynep and Egin are not coming, they are in France actually, Paris... Ahh, they are so in love-Dogan and Ender looked at one another and they both laughed a little, as if they had an inside joke about this. Yildiz noticed that and said-  Anyway I should go back, Kaya is probably waiting for me.
— You came here with Kaya?-Ender asked surprised
— It's none of your business, Ender hanim, you came with your husband, right-Yildiz teased them both and before anyone could say anything Yildiz added- And team love, but Dogan, I don't think Ender's sexy underwear is worth forgetting that you have to meet me and your daughter tomorrow. -Yildiz said and when she thought she had left them speechless Ender said:
— Oh don't worry about my underwear darling... worry about yours-Ender looked her up and down and said-If you have any-She winked at her, took Dogan's hand and headed to their table.

The rest of the evening was wired. Dogan was unfocused, about two hours after they came Yildizsu's babysitter called and said something wasn't right so Dogan and Yildiz rushed back to take care of their child, leaving Ender all alone. She was thinking about Dogan's words from yesterday evening and todays morning and she felt stupid, she felt how every single butterfly was dying inside her stomach and she was left with a scar again... "What was I thinking..." she thought to herself, but somebody took her out of her mind.

— Ender?-Kaya said testing the waters and slowly sitting down next to Ender.
— What do you want, Kaya?
— I want to apologise... I was very very drunk and... extremely jealous of this stupid dickhead you're married to... and I just got lost in the alcohol and the jealousy and... I want you to know that I don't think this of you and I never did... You are the only real thing I have ever had in my life and... the only person I ever loved so... I want you to forgive me-he looked her in the eyes and smiled softly-Please?
— Okay... I forgive you.
— Wait... Is it that simple?!-Kaya asked still smiling.-Ender Celebi just gave me her forgiveness and without making me beg for it?! You have gotten way softer, my love!-Kaya said without noticing how he called her "my love" and she noticed it too, but she didn't said anything. In fact she smiled to him and said:
— Well, people change... Now if you excuse me... I'm going home.
— You won't wait for your carrot?
— My... carrot?
— Oh, damn, I am sorry, I meant for your husband...
— You just called Dogan a carrot... and a dickhead...
— Well, I don't like him...
— No one cares if you like him-Ender teased Kaya and his eyes filled with jealousy again-And no, I want wait for him.
— Can I give you a ride?
— Aren't you waiting for Yildiz?
— No... So can I give you a ride?
— No, you can't, I'll get myself a taxi.
— Please?
— Kaya, just because I forgave yoi for calling me a whore doesn't mean anything.
— So we aren't friends?
— Goodbye, Kaya-Ender walked away

She got herself a taxi, but when she went home, something happened. Yildizsu was sleeping on the couch and someone was talking from the second floor. She got there quietly and the worst thing happened. She felt betrayed, like her whole world was turned upside down... And that last butterfly Dogan has made in her stomach died. Ender's heart didn't broke this time... actually it got lighter... like something really heavy fell off. Dogan was kissing Yildiz... Ender has just gotten cheated on, but she wasn't sad. She was angry, but she was not sad... She didn't have time to think about why, she took a quick photo of them, left the house and walked away, enough far to call Dogan and tell him she's coming home so he could get Yildiz out... Ender had the perfect plan... Again.


So Dogan and Ender are definitely not happening... This is the longest part I've done... please tell me do you like it, what do you think will happen next and of course if you have any recommendations or requests :) Thank youu, guys for the support. I hope it's not rushed and I hope it's interesting for you! Please tell me what do you think! ❤️

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