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Kaya woke up at 6:30 am and went to check on Ender who was peacefully sleeping in his bed. Kaya stayed there looking at her for a while, then he closed the door and went to prepare breakfast and coffee for them. Ender's alarm went off at 7 am so she woke up. She looked around the room trying to remember where is she when everything that happened last night hit her. She then saw the little low light in the room and couldn't help but smile, knowing Kaya had taken her from the couch and placed her here, covered her with a blanket and left that damn light, because he knows she is scared of the dark.

— Good morning, Kaya
— Morning-Kaya smiled-Do you want some coffee?
— Yes, please... b...
— I know how you like it-Kaya interrupted her-Black and sweet... just like you-He smirked at her and she smiled shyly-Here you go.
— Thank you...-Ender took a sip of her coffee and tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach-So um... thank you for last night and I am sorry for bothering you... Caner won't be home till next month so I will come to get my stuff after work and leave you alone.
— Hmm-Kaya came closer to her-I don't like this... first of all you are never bothering me and the only thing you could possibly thank me for is not beating the hell out of Dogan... and I have a better idea.
— You do?-Ender said with a teasing smile
— We'll eat our breakfast, I'll drive you to work, you'll sign the divorce papers and then I'll get you and we'll have lunch together, then I'll take you back at work and you'll call me when you finish so I could pick you up. And we'll come here, have a nice dinner to celebrate your divorce and then we'll watch a movie or something...
— Why are we going to celebrate my divorce?!-Ender said smiling.
— Because you'll be more closer to being mine... and you promised we'll tell Ava about us being back together
— About us being friends...
— Same thing-Kaya responded to her teasing.-So do we have a deal?
— I don't think so...
— There is absolutely no way I'm letting you stay anywhere else then this house.-Kaya frowned
— I wasn't talking about that...-Ender smiled-We have a deal only if you let me choose the movie.
— I always let you choose the movie...
— Then we have a deal.

An hour later, in Kaya's car.

— Ava, darling, how are you?
— Good, how are you, uncle Kaya?
— Amazing, do you know why?
— You and auntie Ender are finally back together?!
— No, Ava, but we are friends again...-Ender said.
— Same thing, auntie Ender... well i am happy for you... really happy, but I have to go, sorry.
— That's okay, honey-Ender said.
— Yeah, we just wanted you to know, bye Ava.
— Bye.
— See... same thing, auntie Ender-Kaya gave her a teasing look.
— We'll see, uncle Kaya-Ender teased him back.
— I will be here at 13:30, have a good day, Ender.
— You too, bye-Ender said as she closed the door.

At lunch.
— Ender, you said four words in the car... four. And it was a ten minutes drive, where I normally have to kiss you to shut you up, what happened.
— Dogan and Yildiz happened... Apparently I am a slut... a very nasty one and I quote "you couldn't wait a day to actually be divorced so you could go have sex with Kaya"-Kaya laughed-Why are you laughing?!
— Because it's funny, baby... they are trying to ruin you, but you are the bravest and the strongest person I've ever seen, so you should stop mistreating yourself.
— You're right... I just don't know what am I going to do...
— Why don't we start dating...-Ender raised her left eyebrow so he corrected himself—fake-date. So they get more needy of a scandal and while they are looking for snitches, we could make a dirty nasty scandal for them.
— hmm... seems interesting
— And it's a great opportunity... ans also a chance for us...
— Hm-Ender smiled-Deal. We are fake dating.

Fake dating. (For now) what do you think about the part

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