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— So how are you planning on doing that, Kaya?
— Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary so I will take her to a nice place and I will tell give her a big I love you speech and then I'll give her the ring I bought and a little speech to explain why I am not giving her an engagement ring and yeah I think that'll do.-Kaya explained to his best friend, Drew, what he was planning to surprise Ender.
— Damn, you are so inlove with her... Ahhh God bless you both...
— Thank you, Drew... really-Kaya said with this huge smile as he looked at the ring in his hand .-I've got to go, bye.
— Bye.-Kaya hung up the phone and smiled again. He was so genuinely happy... little did he knew that his happiness was not going to last long. His phone rang again.
— Hello?
— Kaya Ekinci?
— Yes?
— My name is Orhan Oldu, I work at Istanbul general hospital, I am calling because of your girlfriend, Ender Celebi.
— Yes, what happened?-Kaya asked worried, he was so worried he needed to sit down.
— There was an accident at her workplace and you are her emergency contact. She was held hostage for five hours and she was shot in the stomach and was bleeding with an opened wound nearly an hour. She is now in the OR. All I know is they took the bullet out, there are no damaged organs, but she lost a lot of blood. Her heartbeat is strong and she is fating with all she has... I am not supposed to say that, but I think she will male it trough and she will do a full recovery...
— Oh God, um thank you so much, I am coming to the hospital... Just, please call me if anything's happens!
— Okay, we are waiting for you.
— Thank you!-Kaya hung up the phone got all of his things and left for the hospital.

When he arrived his head was empty, the only thing he could think of was Ender. Some doctor saw him and went directly to him.
— Kaya Ekinci?
— Yes, it's me!
— Hi, we talked on the phone... Ender hanim is still in the OR, they will do her stitches and in about an hour you could see her. We will take her in a separate room and...-The doctor stopped as he saw Kaya's worried face.-Kaya bey, she'll be fine!
— Yes... thank you... where can I wait for her?
— Well, You have an hour, I suggest you go home and get some warm clothes for her... Flowers? Maybe a stuffed animal...
— Yeah... that's... that's right... Sorry, I'm just... my brain is off...
— It's okay... See you!
— Yes, see you and umm... Thank you!
The doctor nodded and Kaya headed back to his house to take some pjs and books for Ender. And he stopped to buy a stuffed bear for her on his way to the hospital. He also called Caner, Yigit and Erim and texted Linda. He got back just in time.
— Kaya bey, perfect timing, she should wake up anytime now.
— Thanks. Where was her room again?
— Room 108... in your left.
— Yes, thanks!-Kaya said and walked in the room. He organised her stuff and put the bear on her nightstand. He lowered the lights and pulled up her blanket. He then say in the chair next to the bed and reached for her hand, but as soon as he touched her, Ender started to move. She was waking up, so Kaya covered her hand with his and smiled.
— Hello, sleeping beauty!-He said trying to hold back his tears.-How do you feel?
— Like someone... who has been... shot.-Ender was having trouble speaking, but the noxiousness started to disappear.-How did you find out?
— Well apparently I am your emergency contact!-He smiled and caressed her cheek.-Forget about that... Do you want to talk about what happened or do you want to rest?
— I want to rest, but I can't resist your worry face so I will tell you... As you probably know I was held hostage and was shot... Five men, with masks, came and took everyone to the big meeting room. One of them kicked a child and I got angry... He then slapped me and told me to be a good girl...-Ender started to cry.-Then I probably looked at him with my bad look, because he got angry and shot me...
— Ohh, baby, it's okay! i am so sorry, but it's okay now... I am here and I will never leave you! He hugged her and kissed her hair.
— Thank you, Kaya... for being here!
— There is nothing to thank me for... You havw kissed from Caner, Yigit, Erim, Linda, Drew and Ava, by the way... I told them what happened...
— Oh... thanks. And thanks for the stuffed bear...
— You like it?
— It's adorable!-she smiled and took the bear
— You are adorable!
— I am laying in a hospital bed, with a gunshot wound...
— You. Are. Adorable!-he smiled to her and caressed her hair.-I brought you your book... Do you want me to read to you?
— Yes! I love when you read to me!
— I know...
— Come here...-she said and Kaya cuddled up with her, placed her head on his chest very gently and started reading, Sometime later they were both asleep. Eventually Kaya woke up and tried to hold up Ender very carefully so he won't wake her or hurt her, but she felt him.
— Kaya? What's wrong? It's midnight, get back to sleep...
— It's midnight? So it's December 17th?
— Yes? Why?
— Well-Kaya stood up and looked at Ender's eyes.-As you know December 17th is our old wedding anniversary... And to celebrate that, I bought you a ring, but not an engagement one, because I think you will won't jump so fast into
marriage, so I bought you a regular one... to wear on your ring finger, but on the other hand... Until I give you the engagement ring, of course... Ender Celebi, you are the one person I love most in this world and I can't live without you, believe me... I've tried, multiple times, but I can't... When I am with you I feel like I could finally breathe!-He wiped her tears away- You won! Not just the game, not just my heart, but also my soul... You are my whole world....-He knelt a little and smiled as he took the ring out of his jacket.-Ender hanim, do you want to be my girlfriend?
— Yes, Kaya! Oh God... yes!-She said as he wiped her tears again and kissed her.-Wait... I won the game right?
— You did, baby, you did.-Kaya said and he kissed her again. When they broke the kissed Ender said:
— Remember what you told me one you took me from Dogan's house... That your home is a person?-Kaya nodded and Ender smiled.-Well you are my home too!-They both smiled and kissed again.

So they are back!!! What do you think of this part?

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