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Ender was peacefully sleeping next to Kaya, who had hugged her with both his arms. He was awake and was enjoying the moment when their alarm went off. He turned it off and Ender started to move, but instead of waking up she turned around to face him and cuddled up with him. He smiled and started caressing her hair.
— Babyy, wake up, come on...
— Mmmmm, can we just stay in bed?
— No, you have to quit work today...-With this words Ender opened her words and got up.
— Yes... I forgot... Well come on Kaya bey, I'm going to the bathroom, you will make coffee.
Kaya laughed.
— Whatever you say, love...
Half an hour later, they were eating breakfast.
— Kaya?
— Hmm?
— Do you want to come with me today?
— Mmm-Kaya swallowed- I would love to, but I can't... We have a tough case, of which you'll be told as soon as you enter the company and I have a meeting at 10 AM with Murad and the rest of the board.-Kaya reached for her hand-And you will pack your things, you will quit and you'll come here and start the new chapter... with me.
— God, I missed working together...
— I missed that two.
Two hours later, Ender arrived at work and went straight to Dogan's office. She walked on Yildiz kissing him.
— Ahh, Ender, hello...
— Hello, Yildiz. Dogan, I have to talk to you.
— Okay, we have to talk to you too, but you came to us... so go first.
— I quit.-Ender smiled and gave him the papers.
— What?-Dogan said in shock
— No! No you don't quit, we fire you!-Yildiz said angrily.-We fire you and Zaynepp will take your place.
— No, Yildiz, darling, I quit and whoever takes my place will be miserable without all the documentation in my computer, who sadly crashed last week and deleted everything.
— You did that on purpose!
— Maybe... I guess we'll never know, Yildiz... I am packing my things and I will be gone in an hour or so... Bye-Bye, lovebirds.
And Ender left Dogan's office smiling. She packed her things, her assistant carried them to her car and Ender left. She texted Kaya.
Ender: I did it!!! It was amazing, but I will tell you later, I am coming to the holding and I will see you when your meeting ends.
Kaya: Great! I am so proud of you, baby!!!
Ender: Kaya bey, it is very unprofessional to text me when you are in a meeting.
Kaya: I love you! ❤️
Ender: I love you too!
Kaya: ❤️
Little did Ender knew, Kaya wasn't in a meeting, he was planning a surprise party for her.
— So, we have around ten minutes.
— Well, everything is ready, Kaya.
— Thank you, Murad.
— No, I am thanking you, Kaya... With you and Ender here... Dogan will be ancient history.
Ten minutes later, Ender arrived and the secretary send her to Murad's office. She came in and everyone who worked there and knew was in this room. They all shouted SURPRISE.
— Ohhh, thank you all!
— You are most welcome, Ender!-Murad said while Ender was hugging Kaya
— Thank you, Murad... means so much for me.
— You should be thanking Kaya, he planned it.
— Really?
— Well you have a great boyfriend.-Kaya said still having his arm around her.
— A boyfriend who lies, you were supposed to be in a meeting...
— Well I lied with good intentions so you can't be mad...
— Yes, Ender.-Murad said.-Now give your man a kiss, he deserves it.-They laughed and kissed.- So you took everything with you?
— I did... I erased my computer, but I have everything that was in it in a USB and all of my stuff are in my car... four boxes... I think.
— Well, I will send someone to take them in your new office and when we're done here, all of your things will be waiting for you in your new office...
— Which is right next to mine...-Kaya said and hugged Ender a little bit tighter.
— You won't work today, you will unpack and then you will leave. Our party is next friday and tomorrow all the fun begins.-Murad said and smiled to them.
About an hour later Kaya and Ender were unpacking her stuff.
— So what happened there, you said it was great.
— Oh yeah, I went directly to Dogan's office where Yildiz was kissing him... If I hadn't walked in they would probably...
— Shush...-Kaya interrupted her-I care about office sex only when it's me and you, continue with the story please...
— Kaya bey!!! What's up with your dirty little mind?!
— Continue with the story please... I will show you what's up with my mind when we get home...
— So I was saying-Ender gave him a teasing smile-Yildiz was kissing him, I told them I quit and Yildiz said that they fire me so Zeynepp could take my place and I said, no you're not firing me, I quit and yeah that's pretty much what happened... You should've seen their faces... Ahhh it made me feel so good...
— No doubt, you love taking revenge...
— Yes, I do.
They spent the rest of the day together, they went home, changed clothes and went to a restaurant to celebrate the new chapter for them. Of course, bad luck, they saw Dogan, Engin, Yildiz and Zeynepp. And even worse, Kaya and Ender's table was next to them. Engin said hello to them, Kaya looked him up and down angrily and smiled, Ender said hi and the two of them sat. Instead of celebrating Kaya and Ender were forced to listen about Yildiz and Dogan's engagement. Ender wasn't surprised, but she was disappointed...
— Ender, my love, what is it?
— I thought Dogan loved me... and he backstabbed me... I hate betrayals.
— I know, baby, but I am here and I love you more than anything in this world...
— Kaya, don't-Ender interrupted him-Don't try to act like the other man... like the second choice, you've been my only love since I was 16teen, no one could ever replace you... I just hate betrayals... and I didn't even have the chance to start loving Dogan... I was comfortable with him for a little while, but I could never, ever, love someone else the way I love you.
— I could never, ever love someone else the way I love you, either... so forget about them... It's you and me till the end.
— Yes... it is.

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