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— Lin, stop!-Ender frowned-we are fake dating... FAKE!
— Ohhh, Ender, stop lying to yourself and go be with your man... You don't have forever and he's here now.
— He is here FOR now and I will not jump in his arms like some needy 16teen year old.
— Ender, you already did, honey... by calling him and sleeping on his freaking chest!
— Stop judging me! He was the only one who was going to help without judging me!
— Yes, I know that, be sure to remind it to yourself.
— Okay, you know what... I have to go.
— Stop denying it, Ender! Be with the one you love!
— Bye, Linn!
Ender hung up, but she was smiling. She knew that they'll end up back together with this fake dating thing... and that's why she agreed to it. She didn't care about Dogan and Yildiz, she just wanted to beat Kaya in this game of teasing... They knew each other very well, Kaya asked her to fake dating, because he knows damn well she'll tease him until he finally gives up and kisses her, it was a game to her and she was going to win, but Kaya won't give up that easily. Ender's phone rang again... thinking of the devil....
— Kaya?
— Hi, did you finish your work?
— I did.
— Great, I am waiting for you outside and I bought you a jacket, because you were wearing a thin coat and it's really cold outside, but I didn't want to go through your stuff so I bought you one cozy and warm jacket... You needed a real one anyway.
— You bought me a jacket?!-Ender couldn't resist the smile.
— Yes, a black, simple, but warm one... you don't have a real jacket anyway.
— So you bought me one?!-she smiled even more
— Yes, you will like it, it's your style and it's from the North face.
— Well thank you I guess... you didn't have to, I really appreciate it...
— I can't buy things for my fake girlfriend?-Ender laughed on the other side of the phone and Kaya smiled at it.-Come on, I am waiting for you.

Five minutes later Ender saw Kaya standing outside his car with a black jacket un his arms.
— There you are-He smiled at Ender and gave her the jacket-Put it on, it's cold.
— I like it, thank you-She got the jacket in her arms-But I want put it on, we will be in the car and the car is warm.-She said as Kaya kissed her nose surprisingly for her.
— Your nose is cold, put the jacket on-he smiled-please.
— Fine-she said as she got in the car.
Kaya started driving and they were both quite. Ender was trying so hard not to smile at his actions, she was looking outside the window rethinking the situation, how well he knew her and how concerned and protective he was.
— So, Ender hanim, how was the rest of your day.
— Disgusting-Ender looked at him-Yildiz and Dogan were kissing all day...
— First of all, ew, second of all, why do you care?
— Because it's disgusting and inappropriate.
— And it's also funny-Kaya added with a smile trying to distract Ender, but when he saw her teasing look, he decided to tease back-I bet he's bad kisser...
— Hmm, he's not that bad... Not the best kisser, but definitely not the worst.
— So who's the best kisser for you... it's not Dogan, you said.
— It's not Dogan-She was trying to hide her smile and to resist the feeling that was telling her to kiss him.
— Who is it... Is it me, am I the best kisser of yours?
— I don't know...-Ender continued with her little game-It could be you...
— It could be me?
— Do you think you are my best kisser-Ender turned to him and when he looked at her with burning eyes she smirked and said-Eyes on the road, please.
— I think I am the best kisser your beautiful pink mouth knows-He said and looked at her for a tiny little second-Because you are definitely the best kisser I know.
— Well played, Kaya bey-Ender smiled-but I am not giving up that easily.
— Oh, I know, darling... I know-he parked the car and turned to her-Let's see how long can we resist each other.
— Who said I am resisting you?-Ender teased him again
— Oh, baby, I know you don't care about Dogan and Yildiz and the scandal will make itself.
— Don't call me baby, Kaya...
— I can't promise you that... Let's go.
— I am choosing the movie, right?
— Oc course-he smiled, and opened the door for her
— What about something scary?
— Are you sure? You hate scary movies... you're either laughing at them or scared.
— I don't hate scary movies!-She said and smiled at the thought of Kaya knowing and saying that-I just prefer other movies.
— Then why do you want to watch a scary movie?
— Because you like scary movies- she smiled shyly
— Do you know how cute you are?
— Stop!
— Okay, okay... go put something comfy, I'll make us popcorn.

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