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Kaya called Ender, but she didn't pick up so he went in the house.
— Ender? Are you ready?-he said as he was walking to find her-Ender?
— Give me a minute!-she screamed from upstairs. Kaya smiled without saying anything.
— I am ready... How do I look?-She smiled at him.
— You...-he bit his lower lip-You look amazing, like a dream... Like an angel... but I suppose it's because you want to make Dogan feel bad.
— Maybe.
— Maybe?-He fixed his eyes on her and got a step closer to her.
— Maybe to make him feel bad, maybe to make someone else feel good... maybe to give a sign to someone...
— Who's that someone, Ender?-He came a step closer to her, close enough so he could smell her... God she smelled like oranges... Close enough for their noses to touch, but far enough for their lips to stay separated.-Is it me, baby, are you dressing up special for me?
— Do you want me to be dressing up for you?
— I will be the happiest person alive if you are-He looked deep into her eyes again.-Will you make me the happiest person alive, baby?
— Stop calling me baby...-She said with a smile and Kaya smiled back at her.- I think we should go, Kaya bey...
— Yeah, I think so too.

The 15 minutes drive was so quiet and so loud at the same time. They were telling each other stories, stupid short stories, just so they could be distracted enabling to not admit their own feelings of which they were both very much aware and the only thing keeping them for giving up was not even their pride, it was a game, of teasing and Ender was definitely winning.
They went in the restaurant, Ender was smiling and Kaya had placed his hand right In between her shoulders. They first saw Dogan and Yildiz and then Zeynep and Engin. Engin smiled and said hello to Ender. Kaya got her hand and they walked to their table.
— Hello, Zeynep... its been years, you look good, Yildiz, hi.
— Hello, Kaya, thank you-Zeynep said
— This is Engin, Zeybep's husband-Yildiz said.
— Nice to meet you, I am Kaya Ekinci, Dogan... nice to... see you again.
— Same here, Kaya, I'm glas you are bounding with Ender... Infact what are you... dating?
— We are, but that doesn't concern you-Ender said with an angry look.
— It's okay, my love, he is just trying to keep up the conversation.-Kaya said as he smirked and looked at Dogan-Unsuccessfully... Well it was great seeing you... and meeting you, Emir.
— My name is Engin.
— Right... sorry-Kaya said with a  smug smile-Goodbye.-He said as He placed his hend between Ender's shoulders again. They were walking away from the table and they were both giggling.
— Okay, I have to ask something serious... What the fuck is wrong with this Engin and did you seriously liked him?
— What... who told you I liked him?-Ender said with her sarcastic tone
— Doesn't matter, but how can you like him... he looks like a local fish-man..
— He does, but he has his own charms...
— Really?-Kaya stopped and turned to Ender. They were only a breath apart, again.-Did you dressed yourself up for him?
— Ew, no... He has charms, but he does looks like a local fishman... you know the first time I saw him, I thought he was the new assistant and I told him to park my car.
— My girl always bosses people around, Bravo, Ender?
— Your girl?-She put her hand on his chest
— Mine and mine only!- He kissed her cheek-Ender I know how much damage I have caused you, but I promise you that I am your forever... and that you are mine. And I find it quite disgusting to listen about this Dogan or Engin, because it's a shame to call you hot, instead of beautiful, yes, you are hot... hotter than hell, but above all you're beautiful. The most beautiful person I have ever seen. Like a fallen angel. You are my girl... my angel, and I will wait for you... I will wait until you are ready to be mine.-He was trying to find her eyes, but she was blushing and she was trying to look away.-  Don't say anything... It's okay. Let's get you something to eat.
She smiled and watched him aa he walked towards the bat to find a waiter. She wiped a tear away and smiled even more, because she knew this was a happy tear...

The teasing game continues... what do you think about this part?

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