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Ender fell asleep at some point. Kaya hugged her and covered her with his jacket. She was peacefully sleeping and didn't even woke up when the plane landed so Kaya shook her a little and started kissing her.
— Baby... wake up... we landed.-Kaya said as he smiled at her sleepy face.-Come on, love... Let's go...
— Hmm, okay...-Ender said and kissed Kaya. He helped her and they went to take their luggage, hopping for less traffic so they could go as fast as possible to the hotel. Ender was fuzzy and a little dizzy, she held Kaya's hand and she was quite.
— It's okay, love... we will get to the hotel soon enough and we'll rest.-As Kaya said that they were just going out of the arrivals area...
— Auntie Ender, Uncle Kaya!-a kid shouted and walked to them. Hugging firs Kaya and then giving a bug hug to Ender.
— Ava, don't scare them off!-Linda said to her daughter.-Welcome back to our favourite couple!-They all laughed and then greeted.
Two hours later Ender and Kaya were sitting in their friends's house. Ava was telling Ender a story about what happened in school the other day, Drew was setting the table and Linda was talking with Kaya in the kitchen.
— So Enkay is back?-she asked him
— Stronger than ever... It's different this time... it's us against the world with no secrets...
— I hope so, Kaya... I don't think she could survive loosing love again... especially when it's you... You should've heard her crying about this Dogan... she was broken.
— I know, Linn... she cried in my arms...
— Oh, no, no... not this time... she wasn't in love with him this time... she was comfortable, but she wasn't in love... I am talking about the first time... several years ago, before he dumped her... she was starting to fall in love, starting to heal...-she noticed how Kaya's face changed and stopped, because she knew that he was getting angry at Dogan and when Kaya is angry he becomes dangerous... and for Ender... he would kill for her.-But that doesn't matter, because you're here now... and you love her and she loves you...
— I don't just love her... I will steal the stars if she wants them... I will set the moon on fire and burn down the freaking sun... I will turn it into ashes and I would give it to her if she wants to, but I will never ever leave her again.
— That's what I wanted to hear... I am so happy for you, Kaya... really.
Kaya couldn't respond, because Ender came to the kitchen to see if they wanted more help, but everything was ready so they set the table and started to eat... after a while Ava said goodbye to them and fall asleep.
— I think we should go too.-Kaya said as he caressed Ender's hair. But before he could continue Drew interrupted him.
— No, don't go now... Let's move to the couch and have dessert!-he said looking at Linda
— I...-Kaya looked at Ender who was definitely not feeling well enough.- I don't think that's...
— Oh please, we could watch something!-Linda interrupted him.-Come on!-she went to the couch and turned on the TV, Drew followed her and Ender said to Kaya that it's fine, gave him a smile and cuddled with him on the couch.
After a while Ender was half asleep, half awake and when Kaya noticed that, he hugged her tighter and said quietly:
— I think we should go... she's not feeling so good and she is almost asleep.
— I am not asleep, but yeah... we should go.
— Okay...-Linda said
— I will get your car out of the garage.-Drew said as he left the room.
— Our car?-Ender asked Kaya surprised
— Yeah, I rented us a car so we could be more comfortable...-He said as he helped her get up.
— My boyfriend, always thinking of everything.-She said and gave him a quick kiss. She then cuddled in his protective arms.
— Oh you are so cute!-Linda said as she took a picture of them.-Now I want one with smiles!-she said and she took another one.-Great... Now Send to Ender's Iphone, send to Kaya's Iphone... And done!
— Look at us... we are so adorable.-Ender said as she kissed Kaya's cheek.
— You are adorable... I am just protecting your cuteness from the dark and bad world...
— Yeah... Ender is sunshine and you, brother are what's called a sunshine protector...-Drew said when he entered the room again. Everyone laughed and Drew gave Kaya the car keys.-Your car is ready.
— Thank you for everything and goodbye!
— By-bye!-Ender said still cuddling with Kaya
— Goodbye! Drive safe!-Drew said and he and Linda waved at Ender and Kaya.
After another two hours they were all set in their hotel room.
— Kaya?
— Yes, baby?
— Do we have Aspirin?
— We do...-Kaya gave her a glass of water and the aspirin.-Why... What's wrong?
— I feel dizzy and my head hurts...
— Is it from the fly?
— Mmm-Ender swallowed the aspirin.-I think so... it's gonna be better tomorrow.
— But... that doesn't seem right... you have never had a problem like this after a fly... you didn't eat or drink anything suspicious... and besides you were fuzzy before the flight...
— Maybe I caught a flu... I'll be fine.
— I hope so...-He kissed her forehead.

Sometime later, they were laying in bed.
— Baby?-Kaya kissed Ender's cheek
— Yes?
— You know I will never leave you again, right?
— I know...-Ender turned to face him.-I am not letting you leave me...
— Even if I die?
— Kaya!-Ender slapped him weakly-you're not going to die... In fact I demand to die first... because I won't survive that kind of pain...
— Do you know how much I love you?
— No...-Ender gave him an innocent look, he smiled at it and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
— Well, you are my home... you have been my home since we were teenagers, you were my first, you are my last and my only love... I will never forget the moment I realised that I can't live without you...
— Tell me about it...
— No...- he kissed her softly.-I will save it for my special speech at our wedding.-Ender smiled at him.
— I love you, Kaya!
— I love you too!

Hey guys!!! I am sorry for my messed up writing schedule, but I am from Bulgarian and it's mid year so I have a lot of exams and I don't want to give you short and rushed chapters... I hope you liked this one, it was fluff... Give me your opinion and recommendations what should they do in London... I have a big drama going on, it's gonna open up in the next chapter... Tell me what do you think about the chapter... Kisses, V 😽

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