episode XXV

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"Quinni!" I yelled out as I passed through the hospital's doors.

The waiting area was directly besides the door. I ran towards my friend to hug her, almost forgetting the cold tiles of the floor freezing my feet.

"Where are they?"

"Come on. I'll take you to their room." She said as she took me by the shoulders but I turned around. I had almost forgotten that Spider had followed me here. I scrunched my eyebrows, overwhelmed by my feelings, making me wordless.

"Go." He spoke up with the most comforting face.

I nodded and regained Quinni's company so she could walk me towards Darren's room. When we entered, they were laying in the bed, passed out. Amerie was sitting on a chair by their bed and when she spotted us, we hugged eachother.

"What happened?" I whispered while sitting at the end of Darren's bed.

"Doctor said they found traces of GHB in their blood." Quinni replied.

And it finally hit me. All night, I had been feeling ill, as if I had drank double of what I did. It's why none of wounds from the crash were hurting right now. Someone had roofied our drinks and I couldn't help but blame myself for it. I wished I had been more careful and alert of my surroundings. We stayed in silence for a few moments. We were all in our heads, trying to relive the night and figuring out who did it and when it had happened. I didn't tell Amerie and Quinni about my also possible GHB intoxication. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I clearly was luckier than Darren. I wasn't the one in laying the hospital bed. I'll just blame my actions of tonight on the alcohol.

"Darren!" A deep voice shouted while entering the room.

I immediately stood up from the bed and let Darren's father approached. Giving him all the space he needed.

"Can someone explain me what the hell happened tonight?" He yelled out, his voice trembling.

"I'll go find a doctor." I replied trying so hard to keep my cool.

I exited the room and walked towards the front desk where nurses and doctors were passing through like working bees. I waited a few seconds, not wanting to interrupt their work. A blond nurse looked up from her computer and I smiled at her, hinting her I had a question.

"What can I do for you, honey?"

"Darren River's father is here. He wants to talk to his doctor."

She started typing fast on her keyboard, the tile making an annoying sound that echoed.

"Which room is he?"


She stopped typing and squinted her eyes at me.

"They are in the room 110." I continued.

"Okay, I paged Dr.Rosenbaum. He'll be with your friend in a few."

"Thank you." I smiled.

I turned around, proud of myself for at least trying to make the situation better. I checked around trying to find some reassurance in other peoples. The lobby was not full but there were a few person waiting for their names to be called on. There were visitors getting a cup of coffee. There was patients dressed in hospital gowns walking around. They were all strangers except one. He was sitting on a chair, his head resting in his palm and his eyes closed. I smiled and silently walked towards him.

"Hey." I whispered.

Spider faintly groaned as his eyes slowly opened. I gently pushed back a piece of his blond hair with the tips of my fingers. When he fully woke up, he straightened his body and turned his head to face me.

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now