Chapter three

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I look down at my feet. I don't want to look at all the crying people, that didn't even really know my mum. They only just cry because somebody died. 

"And now the last words from her only progeny". I finally look up and stand from my place. My steps echo through the whole chruch, so that everybodys attention is now at me. I go up to the altar and the priest gives me a nice and caring look. 

"Everybody is here today to grieve the death of my mother". I look up and through the crowd. I see my father sitting in one of the first rows with Anna by his side. 

"My mum was a person that always thought about what happends at the moment. She didn't care about what happends tomorrow or in a few years, she cared about the people that were in her live at the moment. 

She helped and affected a lot of other people, but the most she affected me. To you she maybe was a sister, a daughter or a friend, but to me she was my other half." I stop for a second. Don't cry, I tell myself. 

"She helped me to get through these fifteen years of hell, but with her they were the best I could have ever imagined. Maybe some of you were happy to have a sister, a daughter or a friend, but I was even happier, I had a mum". I pause again, as a small tear falls down my cheek. 

"I know a lot of people thought it was someone else, when they read that they were invited to a funeral. Nobody expected that she would be the next neither did she, but I guess that's how life is working. People leave. And we don't know whats happening tomorrow and that's a good thing. God had taken her from us because he needed her...but there is no way that anybody needs her more than I do". I stop with that sentence. I actually planned on saying much more about her life and about how she brought luck to all the people here, but I didn't. 

I look one more time to the coffing. Red roses. She hated them. She told me how beautiful they looked on the outside, but when you touch them they will hurt you. 


Nearly everybody had already left, but I still hold the bunch of flowers in my hands. Tulips. These were her favourite ones. I slowly get down on my knees and put the flowers next to all of the others. I think I'm the only person that knew her favourite ones. I see thousand of mixed ones but not one single tulpin was there.

"Love you mum", I quietly say and kiss the cold stone. 


We left pretty fast, because Robert still had to get something from a team colleague. I don't know what, but it has to be important because he completely stressed himself out about it. I just want to go home and lie in my bed with my headphones on full volume. 

He stops before a very tall building, that looks like its an office or something like that. 

"Bella you come with me", he says as he unlocks his seatbelt. 

I just answer with a cold no. I really don't want to talk to anybody right now and espacially because I look complete swolled from crying before. 

With an anoyed moan he gets out of the car and smashes the door shut, but before he gives Anna an excusing look.He walks pretty fast in the building, like he was scared that something happens when he leaves us alone in the car. 

He just acts like the death touched Anna more than me. 

I can hear how she loudly lets a breath out and starts tapping on the door. 

"What? Have you drank too much yesterday?", I ask in amuse and smile. 

She gives me a look through the back mirror, but doesn' say anything else. 

"You know I don't care about how you feel, in any way but...if you really think you can just be that bitch that you are then you should really shut up". I lean back in my seat, to make myself a comfortable position. 

"I don't give a fuck about the fact that you drink your problems away with alcohol, but I care that you think that you are better than me, and", I stop and fix my hair. "you shouldn't do that". 

"And why not?", she asks anoyed. 

"Because you are not". With that I undo my seatbelt and get out of the car. I breath in the air, that smells like a mix of gas from the cars and the salt from the sea. I walk a few steps away from the car and think that she finally realised that she souldn't keep caring for me, but then I hear the car door opening. 

"Bella wait", I roll my eyes and walk a little bit faster. 

"Isabella!", she screams loudly and I stop. I turn around in my heals and ask "what" with a fake smile on my face. 

"Forget it", I say and turn around and try to walk away again. 

"You don't even have any money to buy yourself a taxi", she screams after me. Man I hate this woman. 

"Then I will pay like you do", I also scream, but don't stop walking away. It only takes my two big steps more to be behind the next corner. I look back to see if she is still following me, but then I bump into a person. 

"Hey", he complains. I didn't think about turning around before, but when I turn around I see the boy from yesterday whose name I didn't know. 

"Oh no, did I hurt you little boy?", I ask in a much higher voice and turn around to him. At first he looks suprised to see me, but he quickly puts his normals face expression on again. 

"Who do you think you are?", he asks and puts his his phone away in his pocket. 

"I could ask you the same thing". He laughs, which shows how perfect his teeth are.

"You don't know who I am". I shake my head and act like I'm thinking really hard. 

"Never heard about the new youngstar?". He gets a little closer to me, so that he is closer to me now. I shake my head again and answer with a "no". 

"You want to know it?", he ask in a deep, flirty voice and comes even closer. Only now I see how deep of a brown his eyes are. No, concentrate Bella. I'm sick of his flirting skills so I also make a step closer to him. 

"Yeah, why not". I say quietly, but also in a deep voice. He begins to smirk and he gets closer, so the distance between us is only like one step. 

"You really never heart about Pablo Gavi?". 

"No, why? Is he any good?". I slowly get sick of myself, but I still keep doing it. 

"Depends in what", he smirks and closes the rest of distance. He softly strokes through my locks and gets even more closer. I take my chance and smack him across his face. I didn't even hit him that hard, but he is frozen in his position. 

"Well you are not good in seeing, that a girl doesn't want your Pablo Gavi". I turn around and walk away. 

So, his name is Pablo Gavi.


I sit on the same bench that I sat on yesterday, and only now I have realised that a tree is behind that bench. Its more like a round bench the around a big tree. 

I look down at myself and ask myself, if people realise that I have been at a funeral. I don't think so, because its just a black tight dress.

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