Chapter eight

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I stand behind Robert, while he talks with the secretary woman. I look back, to have a better look on the waiting room. There are not a lot of people, because this station is only for people with congenital diseases and suprisingly we are not many.

I fix my mask, so that it nearly coveres the half of my face. I was probably one of the only persons, that didn't mind wearing masks while covid. I always wear one, when I go to a hospital or something, because its too dangerous for me without one. It would get even worse when I infect with another bacterias from my illness.

When I tell people what kind of illness I have they have no idea what I'm talking about. Then I always say its the same as in the movie five feet apart. Then they always answer with a caring ohhhh. The movie is good, no doubt on that, but it just makes everyone cry. So when they know about me and the movie they always get much sadder, then they are before, so I always just say cystic fibrosis. Well, theres a difference between me and Stella. She found her Will.

"You have to wait for a while", he hands me some papers. "They said, because you turn sixteen soon you can sign the pills by yourself". That was probably the best thing that happend in Roberts life ever. He doesn't need to wait in here, and he doesn't need to know every bad thing that happend to me the last month.

"Okay", I nood and take the papers.

"I need to go to training me or someone else to pick you up afterwards". He pads me on the shoulder and then he leaves the room. I didn't expect him to stay, I just hoped he wouldn't have said the thing about the picking up.

For a second I look after him, but then I sit on a chair and lean my head in my hands.


I could have slept here for hours, but unfortunately somebody called up my name and I had to wake up.

"Come with me please". I nod, get up and follow the doctor.

"So Isabella, how was this month?", he asks while he looks at a computer.

"It was okay", I say and sit in the chair.

"Any complaints?". I answer with a straight no. "Good". He rolls with his chair over to me and does the usual tests. If I can see and breath.

The most annoying thing about something like that is, that I have to do an infusion. It takes 60 minutes and in those, I need to sit in an uncomfortable chair and until the liquid is in my blood. The doctors also have those 60 minutes to give me new medication for the month and write a document about my status.


I used to talk to my mum, when I was sitting in this chair, but now I just stare at my phone. Sometimes she just fell asleep in those chairs and I stared at her until the doctors came in again.

I decided to download Tiktok. I never had it, because I never thought it would be usefull in anyway, but I just want to see those edits people talk about. I search after my real name, but with that nothing plops up, so I write daughter of Robert Lewandowski and that blows up. There are so many edits about me. Those pictures on one of the first days here and also a lot of pictures with the photos, that were taken yesterday at the game.

I click on one and the song Bundels. I laugh at the video and scroll to the next one. Thats one from me lying on the beach and watching the sunset. I swear to god, thats the same song I heard when I lied there.


After exactly 60 minutes a doctor comes in and puts the needle out of my hand.

"And? Does everything feel right".

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