Chapter twenty-one

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The sound of Pablo breathing underneath her makes her more calm, but not calm enough to make her sleep. She quietly gets up from him, putting his arm, that was on her waist on the bed again. 

With quiet footsteps she walks out of the room, opening and closing the door as quiet as possible. The only thing that gives the hallway light are the city lights of Barcelona, shining throguh the many windows of the house. 

Bella walks through the hallway in the kitchen, where the lights are much stronger than before. Her eyes travel through the kitchen searching for a place where she could sit and watch the lights. 

She sits down on the chair where she sat when she had her real last talk with Robert. It was about a few days after her mothers death and the first day she lived here. Since shes here she never enjoyed these walls. She hates these chairs, these walls and the way that house is decorated. It looks like a wanna be rich household to Bella. No wonder Anna designed it like that. 

You maybe ask yourself why Bell hates Anna so much. Its not only because of the fact that she is married to her dad, its because of her personality. 

When you see her its different than talking to her. At the first look she may look like a nice woman, mother and wife but shes not. Even thought Bella doesn't see her as a mother, she sees how she treats her sisters. 

There was one point when she realised that she hates her and that was the moment she met her. She was only eight years old when the two got married. She didn't understand how or why, but one thing she understood was that Anna is not a good person.

Sometimes she thinks if Annas the reason why Robert hates her, because he doesn't really have other reasons. Yes okay, maybe its because he had to give money to a woman that he hates just because he got her pregnant or maybe its because he doesn't like her. Now she understands that he hates her, but she doesn't get why he hated her so many years before, when they only talked a few times in a year. 

She turns her head away from the window and gets up from the chair. If she would stay here longer she would sleep in on the table, so she gets back to her room. 

She opens her door, hoping that Pablo won't wake up and closes it again. Bella lays in the bed next to him and places her head on his shoulder. The kitchen was cold, so Bella cuddels into Pablos warm body. 


At 10 a.m. both are still laying in each others arms and sleep peacfully. Yesterday Bella didn't check her phone in the evening, so she didn't see the message from Pedri that said, that he will pick her up tomorrow around 10 a.m.

And there he is, knocking on the door and waiting for an answer. Only after a few minutes of laying in bed and ignoring it, Bella realises that shes alone and that nobody is gonna answer the door. 

With a groan she gets up, leaving Pablo alone in her bed and she walks towards the door. She didn't really think who this could be, so she didn't expect Pedri standing in her door. 

"Hey", she says, hoping he doesn't notice anything weird. 

"You didn't get my text?", he asks amused. 

"", she says, scratching the back of her head.

"Okay, sleep again you look shit". He walks away from her house leaving Bella in her door. 

"Hey, you don't talk to a lady like that", she screams after him. Pedri just laughs at her words and drives away. 

Bella closes the door again and goes back in the house and to her room. Now she can't sleep in anymore, but its too early for Bella to get up. She looks down to Pablo, smiling at his hair that got completly out of place.

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