Chapter seventeen

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The fact that I'm sneaking into Pablos house is weird. But the fact that I'm sneaking into Pablos house with Pablo makes it even weirder. My clothes are still wet, but fortunatley they dried down a little bit, so now they only stick on my body. 

He stops before a door and looks back to me. With a nod towards the room, he shows me that I should go inside. 

His room looks pretty normal. Nearly everything is white, expect for some photos and poster, from mostly footballers on his wall. I walk up to one and take a closer look at it. Someone from Barcelona, but I have never seen his face before. 

"Here". I turn around, just to have a shirt thrown at me and shortly after shorts are lying before my feet. I'm nearly as high as Pablo, so his clothes should fit me. 

Pablo sits on the edge of the bed and looks up to me, like hes waiting for me to change my clothes. 

"Turn the fuck around". A smile appears on his face, but he stays seated. For I second I think about doing it, but then I get back to reality and go to the bed. I take his shoulders and turn him around, so that he is faced to the wall. A little groan comes from him, but he stays like that and doesn't turn around. 

I can't just stay without underwear, so I just change my top and my shorts into the things Pablo gave me. Of course they are too big for me, but its not that bad like I thought. 

I look over to Pablo, but hes already turned around again. I give him a look, but he just smiles. 

"Shut up", I throw the wet shirt into his face, what leaves him quiet for a few seconds, but then he takes the shirt  and hangs it on his chair to dry it down. I walk up to him and put my shorts also on the chair. 

"The guy you told me about". I look up to him. I know exactly hes talking about Christoph. 


"What was he like?". He leans on the desk and looks over to me. 

"I..He was funny, sometimes when he talked it sounded like he spoke Russian, because he was always so confused". I laugh to myself and think about his laugh, that kind of sounded like a goat. 

"He just wasn't a fuckboy like every other boy I have ever met. He was nice, funny and had a good humor".

"And thats what made you like him? His humor?". His voice sounds amused. 


"And thats what made you want to fuck him?", he asks confused. "Because he was funny?". I think he doesn't really get the fact that I was young and did not have the intention to sleep with him. Okay I did, but that was not the only reason I had a crush on him.

"I did not want to fuck him, I was fourteen for gods sake".

"So what? You're only a year older now and your mind has changed". 

"How do you know my mind has changed?". 

"Really?", he smiles and laughs. "Don't you think that I don't know you good enough, to know what you want?". 

I think about a good answer, but nothing comes to my mind. Should I say no? That is too obvious of a lie, thirty minutes ago I kissed him in the sea. He laughs again. 

"You know what?". He walks up to me and presses his body against mine so hard, that my body gets slammed against the wall. "I asked you, you know what?", he says again but a little bit more quiet. I shake my head. 

"I know it, but I'm suprised you don't", he says and smiles down to me. I try to get myself out of that situation, but with his body pressed against mine, that could be a little hard. 

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